So, the question from mcubed is "Can God die?" Cee answered that, "God did die but can no longer because He is glorified."
I've slept on this question and pondered it very much.......
The scriptures that came to my mind were when Jesus said, "No one takes my life from Me. I lay it down and I can take it back again."
So, yes, God can die, if He chooses to do so, however, dying is not and "end of existence" so, God just simply moves His Presence from one "place to another."
When Jesus "gave up the ghost" and "died" - He left His physical body on Earth. He removed His Presence from His body and the Father removed His Presence from Jesus so Jesus would be separated from the Father for a short period of time.
After 3 days, Jesus' Presence re-entered His body and wa-la - Resurrection Day! Then, Jesus was to ascend to the Father and be reunited. Then, return to earth and be reunited with His disciples on Earth in Galilee.
This resurrection body of Jesus is now immortal which means it cannot die nor be separated from Jesus - which is the point that Cee was making - an excellent point, by the way!
Great question! What are your thoughts, mcubed?! Please share! This is a powerful subject!