Before I begin, I want to give some background info. I'm a 15 year old male, and I struggle with suicided and self harm.
I wanted to share my testimony, because in the greek the word testimony is translated literally, "Do it again". Testimonies in a way are similar to prophecies, because God wants to duplicate our testimonies. I believe there is someone here who will read this, and read what God has done for me regarding this issue, and they will turn to Him and he will also. So, without further ado, here we go.
My journey with self harm began when I was about 7 years old, and I cut myself for the first time. I was really upset with the way I looked. I didn't like my body. I tried to change it.
When I was about 10, I was diagnosed with cancer. Following that, I attempted to hang myself from my coat rack attached to my bedroom wall. I was light, so it held me up. This is my first physical encounter with God. I felt a strong blow of wind, and it knocked me off of the rack and onto the floor before I died. My older sister ran to the noise, and she found me on the floor with a rope around my neck. She stills says to this day, that was the most traumatic experience of her life. God saved me that day. I would have died.
Now, moving on. Lets go to 13 years old. In this timeframe from 7 to 13, I've attempted suicide 11 times. I've failed each one. So, I'm 13 now. I'm in school, and a group of guys takes my books and throws them down the back stairs where I was walking. They throw me down the staircase and begin to beat me. They mock me because of my scars on my wrists and stomach and take my shirt and sweatshirt, making all my scars visible. I wanted to disappear. I didn't know what to do. I got my things and I left unannounced. I ran home and stayed there. I had to walk through the entire school to get out the door, and it was just like in a movie. Everyone whispering, talking, laughing at me. At my scars. Everyone thought I was this happy kid, always had a smile on his face. I was. But, it was all a show.
But, God used me. He used me to cast depression out of the youth in my High School. He has used me to do so many things, I can't begin to name them all. I can't begin to tell you how amazing God is. This God that I serve is greater than any sickness, greater than any disease, greater than anything that is wrong with the world.
In my youth group, when I was in 8th grade, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues, the whole deal. It changed my life, and it set me on fire for youth revival. I want to see a whole generation who rises up and takes the microphone from all of the corrupt teachings of the world, instead they focus on the fire of God. I want to see a whole generation set ablaze for the Kingdom of God. I strive to see this in my city.
God, I speak against any foul spirit that is following all who reads this. I cast these spirits out in the name of Jesus. I pray that you would set their hearts on fire for your Word and for your Message, Jesus. I want to declare a holy boldness on all who stumble upon my testimony. I pray that this be duplicated for anyone, not just teenagers, facing these issues. I speak healing, and I speak a sound mind into all of your faithful servants right now in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I pray all of these things in the mighty, holy, and healing name of Christ Jesus. Amen!
God Bless,
I wanted to share my testimony, because in the greek the word testimony is translated literally, "Do it again". Testimonies in a way are similar to prophecies, because God wants to duplicate our testimonies. I believe there is someone here who will read this, and read what God has done for me regarding this issue, and they will turn to Him and he will also. So, without further ado, here we go.
My journey with self harm began when I was about 7 years old, and I cut myself for the first time. I was really upset with the way I looked. I didn't like my body. I tried to change it.
When I was about 10, I was diagnosed with cancer. Following that, I attempted to hang myself from my coat rack attached to my bedroom wall. I was light, so it held me up. This is my first physical encounter with God. I felt a strong blow of wind, and it knocked me off of the rack and onto the floor before I died. My older sister ran to the noise, and she found me on the floor with a rope around my neck. She stills says to this day, that was the most traumatic experience of her life. God saved me that day. I would have died.
Now, moving on. Lets go to 13 years old. In this timeframe from 7 to 13, I've attempted suicide 11 times. I've failed each one. So, I'm 13 now. I'm in school, and a group of guys takes my books and throws them down the back stairs where I was walking. They throw me down the staircase and begin to beat me. They mock me because of my scars on my wrists and stomach and take my shirt and sweatshirt, making all my scars visible. I wanted to disappear. I didn't know what to do. I got my things and I left unannounced. I ran home and stayed there. I had to walk through the entire school to get out the door, and it was just like in a movie. Everyone whispering, talking, laughing at me. At my scars. Everyone thought I was this happy kid, always had a smile on his face. I was. But, it was all a show.
But, God used me. He used me to cast depression out of the youth in my High School. He has used me to do so many things, I can't begin to name them all. I can't begin to tell you how amazing God is. This God that I serve is greater than any sickness, greater than any disease, greater than anything that is wrong with the world.
In my youth group, when I was in 8th grade, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues, the whole deal. It changed my life, and it set me on fire for youth revival. I want to see a whole generation who rises up and takes the microphone from all of the corrupt teachings of the world, instead they focus on the fire of God. I want to see a whole generation set ablaze for the Kingdom of God. I strive to see this in my city.
God, I speak against any foul spirit that is following all who reads this. I cast these spirits out in the name of Jesus. I pray that you would set their hearts on fire for your Word and for your Message, Jesus. I want to declare a holy boldness on all who stumble upon my testimony. I pray that this be duplicated for anyone, not just teenagers, facing these issues. I speak healing, and I speak a sound mind into all of your faithful servants right now in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I pray all of these things in the mighty, holy, and healing name of Christ Jesus. Amen!
God Bless,
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