I have been feeling suicidal due to my life disasters that just keep pilling up, I'm so depressed, anxious and fearful. I am loosing faith in God and feel so guilty for it. I am immersing myself in prayer and fasting asking God to talk to me to tell me everything is going to be ok and to protect me. I am on my second day, trying to do 5 days. Any suggestions to stay on track and what other things to do. thank you
Hello Redcars, God loves you, if your in any kind of sin then repent, then get off the pills, the pills might help with the body pain but the pills make your spirit and mind week, then the enemy trys to take advantage of that, speak the word over your self, put the lying devil back in his place, no weapon form against you shall prosper, in the name of Jesus, use his name, they must bow to the name Jesus. and when you fast, no tv ,,no news, ,turn off this world, your the head not the tail. you can do all things though Christ Jesus that strengthens me, greater who is in me then the one that is in the world. then put on some praise and worship songs, and we know you don't feel like it, but we don't go by our feelings, we are not lead by feelings. we are lead by the holy spirit and his word, right I said right, ok, you take care, and stay in church and stay in the word, red give me an up date ok, God bless you,