Hi everyone!
First of all I want to say that English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes I may make...
Okay so... Hi! How are you all?
I'm Anne, 19 years old (in a few weeks I'll be 20!). I'm currently a freshman at an art school, and am just getting started on my 'christian journey'.
A little back story

I didn't grow up in a religious family. As a kid I kind of thought Faith and Religion were things from the past. "People don't believe anymore' (kind of sad... I know. But I just was not surrounded by believers.) I always felt there must be more than this life, but I never knew what that could be. I really felt a longing to something (or Someone?) higher, never knowing this someone might be God.
I think it was around last year that I
started believing. I watched a lot of Mrs. Midwest's videos on youtube and also followed 'Girl and the World' on youtube and instagram. Around that time I dealt with a lot of anxiety and panick attacks and even though I was still very sceptical towards God, I needn't something to believe in. I really think this belief, this faith got me through these hard times.
Now, I bought my first bible, and am trying to find my way to this new life. It's difficult. I don't know anyone who is a follower of Christ. It's very intimidating, not knowing where to start. So I thought I might start with making some friends!
I hope I can still be here, even though I'm not
really a Christian (yet) (I've never been to a physical church 'session' (What do you call it?) and I have so much to learn and I'm afraid I sin without even knowing it)... If there are people here who would like to become friends, I'd be more than happy
I hope you have a wonderful day and I wish you lots of peace and happiness!