Three brain cells eh?? Btw "eh" is a Canadian expression, on its deepest most significant level it means wrong!!
Gotta wonder about those that can't seem to understand that "soon" is "soon" and "near is "near"
I have some history books you can borrow for your studies so you can see how well the utter destruction of Jerusalem fits.
It is the futurist that actually has to create the fantasy.....just sayin!! LOL
Gotta wonder about those that can't seem to understand that "soon" is "soon" and "near is "near"
I have some history books you can borrow for your studies so you can see how well the utter destruction of Jerusalem fits.
It is the futurist that actually has to create the fantasy.....just sayin!! LOL
Disclaimer....and YOU KNOW I like you and we agree on many things....
Scripture proves the 1st century blather to be false.......and if that were the case....we would not be having this convo....we would be in the heavenly age, on a new earth, New Jerusalem which is 1600 miles cubed would be sitting on the earth, JESUS as GOD would be sitting on the throne, we would be in glorified bodies and all the LOST would be in the lake of fire.....NOT to mention all of the other truths that apply!!
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