No one reads my posts so I sometimes make the letters big. Plus my eyes are bad and I sometimes subconciously think other's are too.
And I don't have an axe to grind. I just think this place needs a culture change. And I don't think it's right to misquote and misrepresent people. But that's all some of these people have.
And I don't have an axe to grind. I just think this place needs a culture change. And I don't think it's right to misquote and misrepresent people. But that's all some of these people have.
those who do not agree.
Perseverance is an important part of our walk in Christ, it is about being refined, purified,
getting things in their right order. But if you are talking to people who are not walking
with the Lord, who daily sin without repentance, one should expect nothing else.
Foundations laid in someones heart establish the truth. Failure to lay the right foundations
leads to the mess and abuse you see here. Pearls before swine is very apt.
They can be dressed up many ways, but once they accept they can behave as they want with
impunity, you are just talking to lawless people. And hard hearts will not listen because there
is nothing that will change or that can be addressed.
You can learn different ways of shining ones light on the failures and hypocrisies that are so
apparent. Being a sinner is really hip with these cool doods so Jesus does not register or His
teachings, or a righteous walk which is impossible for them, obviously.
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