I'm Canadian did not vote in the poll. But if I were American, I would never vote for someone with increasing dementia, with a radically left wing running mate who would quickly take over.
I sent my Liberal, left wing sister a video of Biden stumbling and getting lost mid sentence, etc. She said he was gracious and compassionate, and sounded fine. She kept saying she couldn't see Biden being senile, because he was such a kind, empathetic person. I worked in long term care as a chaplain for
1 1/2 years. I can recognize someone who is senile immediately. I think peoplewill rationalize anything, if they "believe" in a Candidate strongly enough.
I'm very concerned if Biden gets in, as it will affect Canada, and may cause the collapse of the US. I'm praying for you!
Here's a link to a Biden video, very short. Let me know what you think. Senile or compassionate?
Senility doesn't go away. When he's in public after about 5p.m. EST, he'll get worse in his lapses because that is a time known as Sundowning. When the cognition becomes less due to the stress of all his hours awake.
He can sleep in till say 2p.m and maybe offset that affect but it will still catch up to him.
I agree with others in that his wife should have taken him off the trail before he even seriously considered traveling it.

It is sad to witness a man who while always a crook in his professional life was also very sharp and astute. Now, he's fading rapidly and I think that is due to the campaign stress.
He's not fit to be president. And while his handlers may think he'll step down if he gets the office, God forbid, seriously God forbid, forbid however, I think when he's sought that seat since the 70's that they'll be in for a big surprise.
Which then leads to the invocation of the 25th amendment, presidential unfitness, which to hear tell it Pelosi and her crew of Dem's are working on already. Or, worse, I would fear for his life if that doesn't work. Another "Scalia heart attack". And who would question it given if elected he'd be the oldest sitting president in our history. A medical malady wouldn't be questioned most likely.
And that would mean,
President Harris.
A woman who is the most liberal member of the Congress. Is a Socialist. Is for banning Fracking, even though of course she lies and says no when that's not a positive talking point on the campaign trail. And who slept her way to power in lesser offices.
And then she has to pick a VP. Which to my understanding means we the people don't get to vote for that. She gets to seat that.
Now, here's the real nightmare. See BHO stomping the campaign trail for Biden/Harris now? He's not doing that because he believes in Biden. No. He told Biden it wouldn't be a good idea to run for the office long before Biden did.
Nope, BHO is stomping for Harris. Who of course interjects identity politics into her bid. And why? Maybe because BHO would be her VP choice and she's already let him in on that little secret?
I'm so glad I haven't had anything to eat yet.