No worries, God will forgive you for being a dispy. 
Yes, the Dead Sea thing is an interesting analogy, but I will not put much stock into it. The footprint thing is another thing I'm not getting on board over. Seeking these signs in my opinion is the task of those who do not really study Scripture, context, and exposition. Numerology, pre-texts, signs and wonders and a "get thee behind me Satan" thrown in seem to be the main objective of these sectarians. If you cannot "see" what they are "preaching" then you are a heretic damned to hell. These types will turn around and damn one another to hell if they have one slip up over their man made doctrines.
No thanks, I'll pass on that snare of the devil.
John MacArthur seems to fall into the camp you're speaking of, albeit only as far as Eschatology goes, he does not embrace Dispensational soteriology in the least. Now pack your bags and off to The Master's Seminary you go.
Yes, the Dead Sea thing is an interesting analogy, but I will not put much stock into it. The footprint thing is another thing I'm not getting on board over. Seeking these signs in my opinion is the task of those who do not really study Scripture, context, and exposition. Numerology, pre-texts, signs and wonders and a "get thee behind me Satan" thrown in seem to be the main objective of these sectarians. If you cannot "see" what they are "preaching" then you are a heretic damned to hell. These types will turn around and damn one another to hell if they have one slip up over their man made doctrines.
No thanks, I'll pass on that snare of the devil.
John MacArthur seems to fall into the camp you're speaking of, albeit only as far as Eschatology goes, he does not embrace Dispensational soteriology in the least. Now pack your bags and off to The Master's Seminary you go.