Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Are these really the same question?

Luke 21: 7 And they asked him, saying, Teacher, when therefore shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when these things are about to come to pass?

Mark 13:4 Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when these things are all
about to be accomplished?
Matthew 24:3 And as he sat on the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world

In Luke the various translations say "about to happen", "about to occur", "about to come to pass", "about to take place". In Mark it is "be fulfilled", "be accomplished", "come to an end". About to happen compared to "be fulfilled". About to occur compared to "be accomplished". "About to take place" compared to "come to an end". Luke tells us the signs right before the start of the tribulation and Mark gives us the signs right before the end of the first half. In Matthew it is very different, it is "end of the world", "consummation of the age", "end of the age", "completion of the age", and "conclusion of the age".

Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, in perplexity for the roaring of the sea and the billows; 26 men fainting for fear, and for expectation of the things which are coming on the world: for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads; because your redemption draweth nigh.

Mark 13:24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, 25 and the stars shall be falling from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens shall be shaken. 26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And then shall he send forth the angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.

Mark begins with "after that tribulation" whereas Luke talks of "the expectation of the things which are coming on the world". In Luke we have a general "signs in the sun, moon and stars", in Mark we have a very specific "sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not giver her light" and then it adds "the stars shall be falling from heaven" and we don't see that in Luke. In Revelation Satan and His angels are kicked out of heaven at the rapture prior to the tribulation. This seems very clear that we are talking about two different raptures, one before the tribulation and the other in the middle (before the end of the age talked about in Matthew). It is also interesting that Luke does not mention the sending forth of the Angels to gather His elect. Instead Luke says "your redemption draweth nigh". To have to gather the elect from "the uttermost part of the earth" sounds a lot like finding the lost sheep or the prodigal son, whereas "your redemption draweth nigh" sounds like those who have their hope set on the Lord.

Matthew 24:29 But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

This is really interesting, Matthew appears to pick up from where Mark left off. It is as though the Israelites see the stars fall from heaven, they see the Son of Man in heaven, the angels apparently are not sent to gather them, rather they mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds.

Therefore when I read this I have to conclude there are three different events, though if you prefer it is one big event composed of these three events. What is the big event? The powers of the heavens shall be shaken.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
The highway to hell

Jude 11 Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error; they have been destroyed in Korah’s rebellion.

Apostasy is not confined to any one class of people. Cain was a farmer, Balaam was a prophet, and Korah was a prince. Each one portrays a particular aspect of falling away from the truth. The process is simple: they enter on the wrong path, they run riotously down that path and they perish at its end. Here is the brutal truth, there is no hope for apostates found in Jude. Their doom is sure. To them is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.

Another translation that will emphasize this process they go through. In the way of Cain they went away, and in the wandering for reward they rushed headlong, and in the rebellion of Korah they perished.

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 16:25. Our natural judgement is not a reliable guide. We have already learned that the apostates rely on their natural judgement. The Lord's work of redemption is much greater than the work of the first creation. We need spiritual discernment and enlightenment.

So let's take a look and figure out what was Cain's error. What was the wrong path? He did not deny the existence of God he gave an offering to God. Also, Cain did not refuse to worship God and he was not in rebellion. He made an offering with the fruit of his labor. In Hebrews 11 we learn that by faith Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice. Faith comes by hearing. Abel had heard something -- he had heard that they had sinned and were then clothed by God. Prior to sinning they were clothed with light, after sinning they attempted to clothe themselves with fig leaves. God then made coats of skins and clothed them. From Genesis to Revelation it becomes clear that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. When you sacrifice a lamb in order to get the skin it drives home the point that sin is very serious. You can't ignore it, dismiss it, or shrug it off.

Again, let's consider what all the hubbub is on this thread about the Christmas Tree. I have come with a big knife to sacrifice that tree! People are shocked, you can't do that! It is just a little sin, tiny really, insignificant, can't even really be called a sin. That is the way of Cain. Go down that road and you are on the apostasy highway, more commonly called "the highway to hell". The on ramp to the apostasy, known as the way of Cain, is to shrug off sin as something we can ignore or sweep under the rug. The only way that we can approach God is on the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the lamb of God. Cain did not do that, he felt he could bring the works of his own hands to worship God. "You are a talented singer, use that talent for the Lord". Terrible advice, instead I would say "You are a redeemed sinner standing on the shed blood of Christ, you can have boldness to approach God, ask for grace, and you can serve Him in boldness standing on that blood". Then trust that the position you have in Christ as a result of faith is adequate. Now I can serve the Lord joyfully. Suppose you are led to be a teacher and yet you only teach ten people in your entire life, rejoice, for all you know those ten will become great evangelists, shepherds, teachers, prophets and other gifts to the body. The way of Cain tells us that we can't add anything to the completed work of Jesus Christ, faith versus works. Cain followed his own way according to his own idea, Abel listened to God and made his offering by faith that came from hearing.

The Error of Balaam -- what a lying hypocrite

Ran riotously, rampage, poured forth. Balaam was a prophet, he wasn't posing as a prophet, he was a real prophet and his prophecies are recorded in the word of God. He prophesied of the star of Bethlehem that was the major sign of Jesus first coming. Think about that, Daniel knew Balaam was a false prophet and yet he still received this prophecy from Balaam to teach the magi what to look for when Jesus was born. What makes Balaam a "false" prophet is he is a prophet for hire. He is a kind of expert on the ways of God so the enemies of God hire him as a consultant on how to curse Israel. He was warned not to do this. I had an experience of a Balaam. I was preaching the gospel at Rice University, our gospel was turning the campus upside down so a professor who taught religious studies (basically a sociology professor) asked to visit the church. He then wrote an article in a major Texas magazine. He had clearly been hired to curse the church and yet God turned that curse to a blessing just as we see in Numbers. So the king hires Balaam saying "whom thou blessest is blessed, and he whom thou cursest is cursed". This is how the fake news operates. They want to be the "king maker", they want to manipulate public opinion. It was this agenda that Balaam had that made him false. He is credible as a prophet because he speaks the word of God. Balaam does not want to destroy his credibility because that is why he is hired as a prophet, but at the same time he wants the gold from this king. So God tells Balaam no, he in turn tells the representatives no, and they return to the king. It looks like Balaam is being obedient but if you continue with the story you learn he is just negotiating for a higher price. So Balak sends a second negotiating team and Balaam says "if you shall give me a house filled with silver and gold I could not go with you"? Why not just say, no, the Lord said no? So he again asks the Lord to go and it becomes clear he is not going to obey the Lord. Many Christians, maybe every single Christian negotiates with the Lord like this.

Maybe you realize a Christmas tree is idolatrous, but what about a wreath? Maybe you realize you will not have anything to do with Santa, but can't we have a tree, they are so pretty. So then the Lord draws a new red line, you cannot say anything other than what I tell you. Now think about this, they have hired Balaam specifically to curse Israel, that was very clear in the contract. God tells him they are blessed, you can't curse them. But he persists and so God says you can't say anything other than what I tell you. He takes that as "great, I can go"? This is why he is a false prophet. You have promised them to curse Israel and you have promised God you won't curse Israel. What a lying hypocrite all for the love of money.

Now many think, hey he blessed Israel, he didn't curse them so what is the big deal. Because although he didn't curse them he did counsel Balak on how to damage Israel by teaching them to commit fornication and worship idols.

This is the big lying hypocrisy of Christmas. They argue that it is a blessing to the church, not a curse. Perhaps, but it opens the door to teach the believers to commit fornication and worship idols. The teachings are focused on kids, young impressionable kids. The TV is filled with their "Balaam prophecy and teachings". The star of Bethlehem is not the only story they like to tell, talking donkeys or reindeer is another, filling your house with gold or silver is still another. Think about it, all these prophets who write these TV shows and movies they are all "prophets for hire" and the goal is to curse the church. The world lies in the evil one, time to wake up to that fact. Every year all of these Balaams are required to put out a "Christmas album". Wake up, the goal is not to bless the church. "Santa Baby" is teaching the Israelites to commit fornication and "O Christmas Tree" is teaching them to "eat things sacrificed to idols". These albums, these TV shows, all this stuff your kids are consuming are things that are sacrificed to idols. Balaam was in the church whose name meant "married to the world". Balaam got his reward, lived riotously and then perished miserably with the enemies of God in Joshua 13. Again think of these ones raking in millions for their albums, songs and TV shows.

The error of Balaam was to exchange the eternal inheritance for the pleasures of sin for a season and for the treasures of Egypt. The message the world is sending during the "Christmas season". What's wrong with having a Christmas tree? Wrong question, what is right about it? Does it strengthen your prayer life? Does it improve your fellowship with the Lord? Are you filled with life and peace?


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Rebellion against the word of God

Jude 11 Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error; they have been destroyed in Korah’s rebellion.

The rebellion of Korah is sometimes translated as "gainsaying" of Korah. The literal translation is "against the word". When we do things contrary to the word of God that is rebellion. He was the cousin to Moses. He led a rebellion against Moses with Dathan and Abiram. They are rebelling against a type of Christ. They made the fundamental mistake of thinking "all are holy". They led a rebellion with 250 princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown. Isn't that how the world operates? Let's get a famous Hollywood actor like Tom Hanks. Let's get the President of the US to have a big Christmas tree, and also Rockefeller center, etc. The basic argument they were making is that Moses is too restrictive, like the Lord who said "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh to the father but by me". This is contrary to the globalists goal of the brotherhood of man. The one world religion can accept all religions except for the Evangelical Christians because they are too restrictive. Korah was saying we don't need Moses, just like this one world religion of the globalists is saying we don't need Jesus Christ. Is the cross really necessary? Did Jesus really have to be crucified? "If it be possible let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will but as thou will". The Lord prayed it three times, if there had been any way to get into heaven that bypasses the cross He was crucified in vain.

Is this not what Christmas is all about? A holiday the whole world can celebrate, a holiday to make the apostates rich. All of these Christmas songs, all of these TV shows and Movies do they emphasize the need to hear the Lord's voice and obey Him standing on His shed blood? No, it is all about good works, the way of Cain. The finished product is a rebellion against God by all the famous elites saying we don't need Moses, we don't need Jesus because we are all one big brotherhood, we are all holy. This is the temptation from Satan, you don't need to go to the cross. We are told that God will send a strong delusion to those who do not love the truth that they should believe the lie.

Those in rebellion go straight to sheol alive. Those who are worshipping Jesus as the one way are raptured straight to heaven alive. In both cases the Lord does a new thing never before seen. In both cases this is done to confirm God's ordination, first of Moses and then of Jesus.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Example of the rebellion against the word of God by saying "all are holy".



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Deliver my soul from lying lips

Psalm 120
1 In my distress I cried unto Jehovah,
And he answered me.
2 Deliver my soul, O Jehovah, from lying lips,
And from a deceitful tongue.
3 What shall be given unto thee, and what shall be done more unto thee,
Thou deceitful tongue?
4 Sharp arrows of the mighty,
With coals of juniper.
5 Woe is me, that I sojourn in Meshech,
That I dwell among the tents of Kedar!
6 My soul hath long had her dwelling
With him that hateth peace.
7 I am for peace:

But when I speak, they are for war.

There is a book that says each Psalm depicts 1 year beginning with 1901 and that 2020 is depicted in Psalm 120. Was 2020 the year of lying lips and the deceitful tongue? Would you describe cancel culture as the coals of juniper? Would you say that the lies of the Media giants and tech giants are the "arrows of the mighty"? Would you agree that Trump was for peace (first time in four years we didn't enter into a war and not only so he signed a historic peace treaty with Israel) while Biden is for war (already wars have kicked into gear in the Middle east, Easter Europe and Taiwan). Anyway I thought I'd review some of the lies.

Lies told in the US concerning Trump

  1. The Steele dossier was the sole evidence used to justify spying on the Trump campaign and the FBI knew the Steele dossier was a DNC operation, Steele’s source told the FBI the info was unserious and they did not inform the court of any of this and instead kept spying.
  2. Even after the evidence was conclusive that the collusion case was a hoax every institution gaslit the American public for another year. It appeared to everyone who fully understood this case that every institution in the US government had united against an interloper.
  3. Then the behavior of the corporate press radicalized them. You could not support the notion that the press was driven by ratings because if that was the case they would have jumped on the Epstein story or better yet the Hunter Biden laptop story.
  4. As a result all the Trump supporters know for absolute certain that the FBI and the press would lie to them about it.
  5. They saw the press make Kavanaugh out to be a gang rapist based on absolutely nothing.
  6. They saw CNN lead a lynch mob against a high school kid.
  7. They saw the press cheer on summer riots.
  8. They used to think the press had a liberal bias but would admit the truth and correct errors, not anymore. They saw them invent stories to destroy lives and spark mass violence.
  9. Time magazine reported that during the 2020 riots there were weekly conference calls between leaders of the riots, the local officials and the media on how to frame this to best help the Democrats win the election.
  10. Democrat governors took advantage of Covid to change voting procedures and lower signature matching standards. As this followed the collusion hoax and impeachment scam more and more people were able to see through this fraud.
  11. But then they ramped up to a new level with the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. It was a full on censorship campaign against a major newspaper to protect a political candidate. All of the tech companies now admit it.
  12. Compare this with the PP tape. A story of a germaphobe being pissed on by Russian hookers and blackmailed by Putin based on a document paid for by the Democrats and disavowed by its source. Contrast that with the NY Post being banned for reporting true information.
  13. The conclusion was simple, every institution is captured by people who will use any means to exclude them from the political process.
  14. And yet they showed up in record numbers. He got 13 million more votes than in 2016.
  15. They knew the fix was in when at midnight four swing states (and only those four swing states) went dark.
  16. People tried to make sense of what happened in the midst of the confusion and at that time the Media banned all discussion of it. Everyone knew that if the outcome was reversed discussion about the election outcome would have been front page news and all they talked about.
  17. According to Time magazine mass riots were planned across the country if Trump had won.
  18. And so we know as facts that the entrenched bureaucracy & security state subverted Trump from Day 1. The press is part of the operation. Election rules were changed. Big Tech censors opposition. Political violence is legitimized and encouraged. Trump is banned from social media.
  19. Their government is controlled by a regime that believes they are beneath representation and will observe no limits to keep them from getting it. (based on a twitter thread from Martyrmade)

Lies told in the US concerning Covid

This article itemizes about 20+ lies published during the Covid crisis.!

Why Fauci should be fired


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Jude 12 These people are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead. 13 They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.

Unseen danger

Spots in your love feasts -- the word is hidden rocks, the rocks a mariner doesn't see that will sink his ship. They have come to eat and to plunder. They have an agenda, a mission. Reefs below the ocean threatening safe navigation. If a rock is above the ocean it is not as big a threat. These are the ones who have snuck in secretly. Atheists and agnostics are up front and honest about who they are, these are those who sneak in secretly. Without the slightest qualm -- feeding themselves without fear

Everyone can see that atheists have a particular danger, the fleshly have a certain danger, drugs (sorcery) has a certain danger. But Christmas? Come on man!

Compare this with the rock of our salvation and with the believers who are living stones.

False promise

Clouds without water, carried about by the winds -- clouds are for rain but these are deceit, they don't have any water. This suggests dry places and according to Matthew 12:43 that is where evil spirits wander. They are carried aside by winds, the same word for pneuma, spirit. This implies they are bond slaves to Satan. We are not talking about unbelievers, they are serving Satan. We are not talking about atheists, Satan worshippers consider atheists to be fools. Dana Coverstone had several dreams of wolves that had snuck into the church sitting among the congregation, this is what we are talking about. Also this is different from believers, the Bible says the spirit is subject to the prophet, but in this case the wind is not subject to the clouds, they are slaves to that wind.

Christmas is a good example of a "false promise". It seems they are promising love, joy, peace, when in reality you become a slave to the season. The spirit is not subject to you, rather you are subject to the spirit.

Compare this with the Lord who will come with the clouds, filled with blessing. The believers are sources of living water out from whom will flow the water of life.

Barren profession

Trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots -- the term is autumn trees, the implication is that we will really see them at the end of the season. Jude is the 'vestibule' to the book of Revelation. We see these apostates more now than we ever did during the entire church age. To me this is like field mice. During the summer they may be outside but when it gets cold they will all try to enter the house. in the same way as the Day of the Lord approaches they are all flooding the church buildings. Dana Coverstone has a dream about this with this Satanic figure whipping up all these wolves into a frenzy and sending them into the church buildings. Twice dead refers to dead to profession and possession. They have not born fruit from their profession of faith and they are rooted up, they have no possession, so they are dead in that sense too (no eternal salvation). Revelation 20:14 speaks of the second death. We are told repeatedly in the Bible that we should not be fearing the first death, it is the second death we should be concerned about. The first death is simply separation of soul and body, but the second death would be on the soul. Everyone must deal with these two, our "second death" was taken care of at the cross. These ones do not receive the work of redemption done by Christ on the cross. Compare these trees to trees planted by the living water.

Everyone hopes that Christmas is an opportunity for the gospel. How has that worked out for you? I would say the damage of the church compromising with the world is far greater than any gain that you might think you got.

Compare this with the tree of life. The believers are trees of righteousness (Isaiah 61:3)

Wasted effort

Raging waves of the sea foaming out their shame. This indicates they are unsaved, they do not know God. Isaiah 57:20-21. We need to know who we are in Christ. God has imposed limits on the sea, He said nothing shall hurt you, all are to account to His glory, and the Lord rules and stills the sea. In the gospels Jesus rebuked the sea. In Revelation 21:1 there was no more sea.

How much effort goes into this Christmas celebration every year that is a waste? For some believers maybe none, but for many people it is a lot. Why do you think some people get totally burnt out from this holiday?

Compare this with the Lord who leads us besides still waters and the believers who have "peace like a river".

Aimless course

Wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. The phrase implies a meteorite. Flashes brilliantly for a brief time and then makes an ash of itself. Destined for the blackness of the outer darkness forever. It seems amazing that in nature we actually have something that appears to illustrate this, a black hole, a place where the gravity is so great that even light cannot leave. You can't see a black hole but you can detect them due to gravity. It is also believed that within them time does not exist. These guys are destined for black holes.

What kind of Holy day is marked by an increase in suicides and death?

Compare them with the bright and morning star and the believers who will "shine as stars forever" Daniel 12:3

This is the point of this thread. We see this amazing contrast between the Lord Jesus and the apostasy. This is God's sovereignty, God's mercy that we might be saved and come to the full knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ.

One last point, there are 8 writers in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, James, Peter and Jude. Of these 8 writers Jude wrote the fewest verses and John and Paul and Luke wrote the most. However, each of these 8 writers used exactly 42 words that were unique to their writings and are not found anywhere else! Jude concentrates those 42 unique words into such a tiny space it is amazing.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Enoch's prophecy concerning the Lord's 2nd Coming

Jude 14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones 15 to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”

Who are the them? The apostates. What we are looking at is probably the oldest recorded words of a prophet are these words of Enoch. There is a prophecy in Genesis 3 but that is spoken by God. This prophecy comes from the book of Enoch which is an apocryphal book. This book is not part of scripture though this prophecy is thanks to Jude. Some people don't understand what it means to not be part of scripture. That does not mean it is not a real prophecy from God, what it means is that it is not part of our covenant with God. The Bible is our legal document, our covenant with God. Our God honors covenants so you can be sure He would never say one word that violates this covenant. However, that does not mean He will not say any word that is not in the covenant, God speaks to us all the time and the Bible makes it clear that He is free to do so. Also the Bible is very, very clear on the fact that Enoch was a prophet, he had a genuine experience of God, and His prophecy is an authentic word of God. That said there are counterfeits to the book of Enoch.

Peter said Noah was a preacher of righteousness, we did not learn that in the OT, Paul names the two magicians in Egypt, that also is not in the OT. There are words of the Lord Jesus Christ quoted in Acts that are not recorded in the gospels. James tells us that Elijah prayed for the drought, we did not learn this in the OT. There are a bunch of other things in Acts 7 from Stephen.

Genesis 4:26 "then began men to call on the name of the Lord". This is a poor translation, what it literally says is "then they began to call something else by the name of the Lord". It is a reference to idolatry, to profaning the name of the Lord. The Targum of Onkelos says they "desisted from praying in the name". The Targum of Jonathan says "Surnamed their idols in the name". Ancient Jewish scholars including Jerome agree with this. Maimonides in the Commentary on the Mishna ascribes the origin of idolatry to the days of Enos. What this tells us is that by the end of Genesis 4 we have rebellion against God, the beginning of apostasy. There are four words for man: Adam (dust of ground), Ish (sex, male), Geber (a mighty man) and Enosh (mortal man or if we are talking about character it means a loser). Genesis 4 tells us we have a man that is a loser and that is when they begin to get involved in idolatry. It is this context which gives rise to a prophet (Enoch) and a preacher of righteousness (Noah) and ultimately judgement. His son Methuselah was a prophecy. He prophesied of the coming judgement. Noah and Lot go through the judgement and depict the church going through the tribulation. Enoch depicts the raptured saints prior to the tribulation. Also note that Enoch was not Jewish so he depicts the believers in Christ who are raptured. The Bible says Enoch walked with God twice and between the two there are are 300 years. This is a lifetime of walking with God. How can two walk together unless they are in agreement? Amos 3:3. This leads to a witness.

Methuselah means "when he dies it shall be sent" and the "it" refers to the judgement on the Earth. Methuselah died seven days before the flood. Enoch means teaching, initiation, commencement. Becomes a model of grace and longsuffering, which is why Methuselah is the longest lifetime. It is finite. He walked with God after he begat Methuselah.

Enoch's prophecy concerning the Lord's second coming

This is not about the first coming but the second coming. This coming is sure because it is written as history, it is past, it is sure, you can't change it. This is not conditional. We also know who will accompany Him. He will come with "His Holy myriads". Not clear whether or not this means angels but we do know this expression includes the angels. I suspect it means (Col 3:4 and 1Thess 3:13) both angels and saints together. Both the first prophecy from Enoch and the last prophecy in Revelation both say that He will come to bring judgment. He will judge all, everyone, men, angels and demons.


All the ungodly will be convicted of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in their ungodliness.

Here the issue is the motive of your heart. Consider Christmas, if you thought all the various things you were doing was a way to celebrate the Lord's birth the Lord will consider that. On the other hand if you were Balak or Balaam and thought that what you were doing would cause God's people to be cursed because they are eating things offered to idols and committing fornication then God will consider that as well.


of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

Rebellious, arrogant mouth. This is the distinguishing characteristic of the Antichrist, Mr. Big Mouth. Think about this, you may have repeated the Santa Claus story because you were taught it by people you trust. God will consider that. On the other hand you may have crafted this lie as a deception and to set yourself up to be worshipped as a counterfeit to God. If that is the case God will consider that as well.

For example let's consider the defiant words of ungodly sinners spoken against Noah's ark. They mock, ridicule and present this story as an absurd myth that only little children would believe like the Santa Claus story. But read Genesis 6:14 Noah sealed the ark inside and out with pitch. Generally anyone making a boat would seal the outside so it is water tight, you would not seal the inside. There is no valid reason to seal it on the inside as far as the flood is concerned, it is a waste of time, of pitch, and also would stink up the inside of the ark. However, if your goal was to preserve this ark for the last generation as a testimony against them and of all the defiant words spoken against God then it does make sense. Also, why have it come to rest on the top of Mt. Ararat where it is frozen year round? Again to preserve it. When Noah came off the ark they had to do down the mountain, they couldn't live on top of the mountain. If this had come to rest in the valley they would have cannibalized the boat using the lumber for a house or using the boat for a barn, etc. The ark has been preserved as a testimony against this ungodly generation. We have found it and now consider all that this implies! Everything about that story was true including the coming judgement and the fact that the Lord's second return will be "as the days of Noah".

Now consider something else, during the tribulation everyone will be required to worship the image of the beast or else get their head chopped off. This is a test. How do you prepare for this test? How would you "train" as a Christian to stand against this forced worship of an idol set up by the world? Hallelujah, God has given us the celebration of Christmas with all its idols kind of like having a gym where we can lift weights to prepare for the tribulation! It is a lot easier to reject the worship of the Christmas tree and Santa Claus but the concept is the same. Take the mark of the beast or else you won't get any presents, you can't buy or sell.

In conclusion from day 1 with Enoch he is prophesying of the Lord's second coming and His judgement on the apostasy and all the ungodly. He is raptured first, and then the judgement comes. In the same way we see these two things in the celebration of Christmas with the celebration of the birth of this manchild followed by the reign of the fat man in the red suit. AntiChrist's reign comes like a thief in the night, sneaking into your house like the lawless one filled with lying wonders.

"And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it as the mourning of an only son, and the end thereof as a bitter day" Amos 8:10

Religious feast that has songs -- is this Christmas? A religious feast where everyone has on new clothes -- are we talking about Christmas? Mourning of an only son, sounds like the day after celebrating the birth of Jesus!


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
How to identify an apostate

Jude 16 These people are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.

They are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts. This refers back to Israel who murmured against God, to the angels who complained about their assigned place, and Sodom and Gomorrah walking after their own lusts. Think about how general this is "murmurers". We think this is trivial but what does the Bible say? Give thanks for all things. We need to see that all things are a blessing from God to those who love God and are called according to purpose. This is the noun form, it is not found anywhere else in the New Testament. The verb form is found elsewhere but not the noun form. This is not a reference to an individual incident of murmuring. Rather you murmur so much it becomes who or what you are. Why were they murmuring, because they lacked faith. If they were filled with faith they would have been like Joshua and Caleb, but rather than confess and repent for their lack of faith they murmur against God as though it is his fault. There is no accountability. This is just like Cain. He didn't listen to God, as a result he didn't have faith, his plan was to please God with his own works, when that fell short he didn't take responsibility rather it was God's fault for preferring Abel's sacrifice and Abel was going to pay for that.

The same is true of those who complain about their assigned place, you are lacking an appreciation for the sovereignty of God. Think about Paul's word I have learned to be content in whatever situation he is in. Instead of complaining learn about how you can do all things in Him. Again, this word as a noun is only found in Jude. Paul says "be angry and sin not". To have an issue with something is OK. Jesus said that if you have an issue with a brother talk to him privately and try to resolve it. It is OK to be offended at someone for some offense. But some people it is not that they complain but rather they are "complainers". This is who they are, this is what they do, there is no resolution, rather they are continual fault finders. The Pharisees found fault with the Lord making their traditions higher than the word of God. Lawyers are trained fault finders. It doesn't matter who the witness is, or how solid the evidence is, they will find fault, that is their job. Fault finding is a valid practice when examining some new strategy or plan. Let's see if we can spot any issue before we implement this. However, if this is who you are all the time this is no longer an action you take occasionally when the need arises but rather it is who you are. It is like a car that has a ship's anchor tied to the bumper and is dragging it along behind it. You are this anchor. For example, suppose I am on a football team, I am the tight end, but I would much rather be the quarterback. So what I do is I constantly complain. I complain about the play call. I complain about the quarterback if there is an incomplete pass. I complain if there is a complete pass for five yards I complain saying there was someone else open for ten yards. My complaining is not constructive criticism, rather I complain constantly because I am not satisfied being the tight end, I want to be the quarterback. This is what Jude is talking about. We have many members of the body, everyone has a function, do not envy the other person simply focus on the Lord so that you can grow in the Lord. This is what Balaam did, he wasn't satisfied being a poor prophet. He wanted to be a rich, important prophet with a house filled with gold and silver. We saw this during the election, for example the Republicans did not "respect the science" yet when the Democrats are in power they completely ignore data, science, and all reason. Biden said that all the people who died under Trump should be reason enough to get rid of him as unfit for office. However, more people have died under Biden and now it is all about changing the subject.

This is a process, Cain is the on ramp to the highway, Balaam is rushing headlong down the highway and Korah goes plunging off into the abyss from the highway. Why did Korah rebel? Moses word was convicting him. He wanted to walk according to his own lusts and the word from Moses was shining a light on that and exposing him. So like Cain there is no accountability, someone else will pay for his sins. Like Balaam he is not satisfied with his place, he is jealous of Moses and instead of saying "I want to be leader" he says "everyone is holy". It is a slimy kind of hypocrisy. The world church says the same thing, we are all holy, brotherhood of man. Yet the Pope plans on being the leader and since the Evangelical Christians reject him he also rejects them from his "brotherhood of man". Ultimately this leads to rebellion. This is why scoffers scoff. When they passed the LGBTQ laws I argued that letting boys into the girls bathroom would result in fornication and rape in the bathroom. Wow, I got attacked from the scoffers yet a few months later that is precisely what happened. When they said that boys could compete as girls if they "identified as girls" I said they would take over girls sports. Again, the attack I got from the scoffers. That was absurd, the trans movement is pure as the driven snow. I said that a college scholarship can be worth $300,000 don't you think that some boys who cannot make the boys team will identify as a girl to get that scholarship? Oh, no, no, no that is a lie. Well here we are a few months later and it couldn't be any clearer that it is the truth.

They speak great swelling words -- this is what the antichrist does. This is like the words of the song

"I am just a poor boy
Though my story's seldom told
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocketful of mumbles
Such are promises
All lies and jest
Still, a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest"

I was stunned at how many people liked what Biden was saying during the campaign even though it was so transparently a lie. The only bills Biden had ever been associated with were a catastrophe and were the most racists bills around. You could find multiple quotes by him that were as racist as they come. He claimed he had 30 years of foreign policy experience and would do a better job than Trump who had kept us out of a war and brokered a peace treaty with Israel which everyone else thought would be impossible. Yet when you looked at that 30 years of experience it was nothing but a dismal failure. The reason these ones speak "great swelling words of vanity" is because people listen to it and fall for it.

I think it was Mike Tyson who said everyone talks a big game until they get punched in the nose.

And flatter others for their personal advantage.

This is how people play politics to advance in an organization. When you see this in the church you know you have the apostasy. Think of the church like a football team or basketball team. No one thinks Tom Brady is any good but year after year, game after game he proves that he is until no one can deny it. You don't do that by playing politics and flattering others, you do that on the field. Likewise with Michael Jordan, you can see who is real and who isn't. This is how it should be in the church, we may have some member who no one thinks has a gift but if it is manifested everyone should be able to see it and appreciate it. Likewise we can have another member who advances in the church due to everything but the Holy Spirit. If that is the case you have the apostasy.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
A strange dream

I had a strange dream last night, but I believe it was because I had been fasting and praying the previous day. My prayer was for a list of people that:

The Lord would:

Shake them awake.

May they repent and be baptized.

Open their eyes and ears that they repent for the kingdom of the heavens which is at hand.

Call them to repentance.

Soften their heart that they would believe the gospel.

Lord, give them the clear word that unless they repent they will likewise perish.

I pray they would be converted, their sins would be blotted out and times of refreshing would come.

Lord have mercy on them and give them repentance that they would acknowledge the truth.

I pray they would repent and turn to the Lord Jesus.

Give them godly sorrow that works repentance.

This morning I get this message from Stan at the prophecy club which seems an answer to that prayer.

So here is the dream. I and a large group of people are being taken up to a special meeting with aliens from another world. It was as though the leaders of our government had met these ones and now it was a special honor that we also could meet them. When I heard this I knew this was the great delusion and that these were really fallen angels and demons masquerading as aliens from another world. But I kept quiet. We get up to this meeting room and they come parading out to us, I shake the hands of one of them and ask what planet they are from. As soon as they respond I say "Oh, so you must know Jesus, the Lord". With that they all turn and run. Just by calling on that name they were all exposed as frauds.