I received an email that raised a number of issues with my theory that the 2300 days in Daniel 8 refers to a period of intense tribulation during the 70th week in Daniel. I am going to address some of the concerns in this post. The email was long and raised a number of issues so this is not a comprehensive post on the email since a comprehensive post would likely be too long for a single post.
1. He says that the the start of the 2300 days is a result of the "rebellion which causes desolation". I agree with that, after all that is what the Bible says. The question of course is what is this rebellion that causes desolation. I would argue that Agenda 2030 and the Pact for the Future are a rebellion. This is the UN seizing power. The US fought a revolutionary war to become an independent nation. But the Pact for the Future gives the UN governing authority, not just over the US but over every nation on earth, in the event of a worldwide crisis like Covid 19.
Rebellion is an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or
ruler. That is precisely what the Pact for the future is. It is an act of open resistance to every single established government on earth.
This rebellion causes desolation. Think about Caesar Nero, he wanted some land, the owners wouldn't sell, he burned it to the ground and kept the fire department from putting it out. That is desolation. We have seen the same thing in Lahaina and Los Angeles. Many theorize this is a land grab because the globalists want to build 15 minute cities.
What we are witnessing on earth is globalists in the UN engineering a rebellion and they are also causing desolation to aid them in their rebellion.
But the 2300 days has not started yet. According to Daniel it takes 2300 days to cleanse the sanctuary. The day of the Lord is a period of time where Jesus cleanses the sanctuary for His return. This means he will be removing idolaters, sorcerers, thieves, liars, murderers, etc. This is what many, including the Lord Jesus refer to as the great tribulation. However, in Revelation when God pours out His wrath that is called the great tribulation and it begins at the midpoint of the seven years. Three and a half years is only 1,277 days, so calling the 2300 days "the great tribulation" is confusing since the term "the great tribulation" in the book of Revelation is a shorter period of time.
So at this point no real disagreement.
2. But then he says "the abomination is when the rapture happens".
Again, I don't disagree that following the rapture we will have the 2300 days start. But there are many problems with saying the two take place at the same time or within days of each other.
No verse is of its own interpretation. We have many verses in the Bible that describe the rapture, all of them must fit. It is like a jigsaw puzzle with 1,000 pieces. You can't solve the puzzle if you have a few pieces that don't fit.
So then the first question I have is when does the 2300 days start and when does it end? If you cleanse the sanctuary when you are finished the temple is cleansed and is ready for the Holy Spirit to indwell it. Surely this must be after Armageddon and prior to the Day of Atonement, Judgement day. Paul told us in Colossians that these days on the Jewish calendar are a shadow of things to come. The Feast of Trumpets is the day you announce the coming of the king. Before a king or President were to come to visit the place must be prepared. In this email he did not present any Biblical reason to disagree with this.
If we subtract 2300 days from the Feast of Trumpets it puts us on Shavuot a little more than six years earlier (Shavuot is in June, Feast of Trumpets is usually in September). Shavuot is a special day on the calendar when God gives the law to the Jews. We are told clearly in Psalms that the only way we can cleanse our way is with the word of God. So it makes sense that if you are going to cleanse the sanctuary, and no doubt from the New Testament that refers to man's heart, then we must have the word of God.
The problem is that there are many problems with saying that the rapture is on Shavuot.
1. Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour. But He said that to Jews who all knew the day and hour of Shavuot.
2. Paul told us in Colossians that we are not to let anyone judge us with regards to the keeping of a Holy day, which was a dress rehearsal for things to come. If Shavuot is a dress rehearsal for our rapture then it seems the New Testament would encourage us to keep that dress rehearsal, but Paul makes it clear that day is not something we need to keep. It is a shadow of things to come, just not a shadow of our rapture.
3. Jeremiah says that "the summer is over and the harvest is past and we are not saved". This sounds like a direct reference to those who are left behind. However, Shavuot is in the middle of the harvest season and it is in the summer.
4. Jesus refers to the crucifixion as a seed being planted that will spring up and bring forth fruit a hundredfold. The crucifixion was right at the start of the planting season. He refers to the rapture as a reaping of the harvest. Revelation uses terms like firstfruits, gleanings, and harvest. Jesus talked about the wheat and the tares being harvested. Jesus never said that we would not know the season of the harvest and by all accounts the season is after the harvest.
5. Ruth is a picture of the gentile bride being married to Boaz, a type of Christ. This is after the harvest is over.
6. Proverbs says that the good man returns with a bag of money on the appointed day, referring to a full moon. Shavuot is not on a full moon. In fact the previous full moon is about three weeks earlier.
I could go on, if you simply quote all the references to the rapture being a harvest you would get at least ten verses in both the Old and New Testament. So I agree that the 2300 days begins after the rapture, just not immediately after. After the rapture the Antichrist will be revealed, and then he will push the need for a digital currency to maintain order as the rapture will coincide with the Fall of Babylon the Great and the whole world will be on the verge of economic collapse. This is a process that could easily take a few months. At first it will be voluntary, but when Christians refuse to take the mark of the beast it will become obligatory under pain of death. I think one way you can view the demand to take the mark of the beast and worship the Beast or else be beheaded is that this is the Lord cleansing the sanctuary of idolatry. Yes, this is the Antichrist doing it, but like Satan, he can do nothing without the Lord allowing it.
But this is where the two of us really do have a disagreement.
3. He says the mark of the Beast in Revelation 14 is specifically referring to the 144,000 which are sealed at the start of Revelation 14. I disagree, I believe that this is a reference to people on the earth during the tribulation, the 144,000 are all raptured prior to this taking place. I see the 144,000 as a heavenly evangelism team during the tribulation. After they are sealed they will be the Lord's army to help those who are left behind. As the Lord has promised, He will not leave nor forsake any of us.
So I believe Revelation 14 begins with the rapture and then about halfway down in the chapter you see the people being threatened with the mark of the beast and being beheaded if they refuse and losing any chance for salvation if they take it.
I believe that begins at Shavuot because the Mark of the Beast is likened to the number of His name put on people's foreheads whereas Shavuot when we were given the word of God the Jews were to put that word on their forehead. Satan is a copycat, he is a counterfeit, and the Mark of the Beast is a counterfeit as well and the shadow of that is seen on Shavuot.