People were baptized pretty much sraight away then. Not because it was part of their salvation, but because people were much less hesitant about it.
Water baptism for salvation is not a christian doctrine. Its a sign of a cult.
Read the book of John and try to find water baptism in it.
What about Romans 10?
John chapter 3..mention of water.. is amniotic fluid of the womb because that is what the subject is.
Water baptism for salvation is not a christian doctrine. Its a sign of a cult.
Read the book of John and try to find water baptism in it.
What about Romans 10?
John chapter 3..mention of water.. is amniotic fluid of the womb because that is what the subject is.
I can show you multiple scriptures where God says that baptism saves us. Please show me just one scriptures that says it does not. And just using a verse that says we are saved by faith is not the same thing as saying we are not saved by baptism. 1 Peter 3:21 says that baptism saves us. Now show me where it says “baptism does not save us.”” And if you could find such a scripture then we would have a contradiction in the Bible and how could we trust anything it says? I am familiar with all the verses that say we are saved by faith and I agree that faith is necessary for salvation. So no need to prove baptism does not save by just quoting scriptures about faith. Jesus says that belief AND/PLUS baptism saves us. So the burden of proof is on you to show FROM THE SCRIPTURES that baptism does not save us. No one is saying that faith does not save or is necessary. We all agree that it is. We are saying that, just like Jesus said, He that believes AND is baptised shall be saved. Mark 16:16. So please confine your scriptures to those that deal with baptism not faith.
Even if water baptism was not found in the book of John, how does that prove anything. There are 27 books in the New Testament. That prooves nothing!
What about Romans 10? What’s your point?just because confession is necessary that does not eliminates baptism, any more than saving faith eliminates baptism. God’s commands do not cancel out each other or other commands. There is more than one thing that saves us which is the point of James 2:24- we are not saved by faith only. It wouldn’t matter if Jesus said we are saved by 10 things. If that’s what God says, then that
Woujd be what we must believe and do.
No, there is nothing in John 3 that indicates Jesus is talking about a physical birth. Just the opposite. He is talking about a SPIRITUAL birth. It was Nicademas who thought he meant a “physical” birth. The water that Jesus is talking about is baptism. That is easy to prove because the “new birth” that Jesus is talking about is a “spiritual” birth—NOT A PHYSICAL ONE. Jesus is talking about a spiritual new birth—not a physical new birth. He would not have used “amniotic fluid to represent a “spiritual” birth. The only thing that fits here is baptism. Especially since the picture of water baptism in Romans 6 shows a person being “raised up out of the waters of baptism to “walk in NEWNESS OF LIFE.” That’s your spiritual new birth right there. A new life is being “born again.” You can only miss this if you WANT to miss it. The subject of what Jesus is talking about is NOT physical birth; it’s SPIRITUAL BUTTH. It’s Nicademas who is talking about physical birth—not Christ. They are not talking about the same thing.
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