Job is LITERAL? So God has an actual hedge around Job, I wonder if it is a tall one, probably very green and leafy. 
Or do you mean some is literal and some is not?
Satan roams the to that means you believe Satan has an attribute that only God has (omnipresence)?
So God was having this get-together and Satan shows up to mock God......the Creator of that old dragon.
There is a lot of wisdom in Job but it is still allegory. Like Pilgrim's Progress has great truths in an allegory tale.
By what standard do you judge a book to be literal or allegory?
And what do you use to know the differences in Revelation between literal, symbolic or allegory?
Maybe you haven't thought about the differences.
I just want to know what your thinking is.
Or do you mean some is literal and some is not?
Satan roams the to that means you believe Satan has an attribute that only God has (omnipresence)?
So God was having this get-together and Satan shows up to mock God......the Creator of that old dragon.
There is a lot of wisdom in Job but it is still allegory. Like Pilgrim's Progress has great truths in an allegory tale.
By what standard do you judge a book to be literal or allegory?
And what do you use to know the differences in Revelation between literal, symbolic or allegory?
Maybe you haven't thought about the differences.
I just want to know what your thinking is.
Don't mock the Word of God.
satan is a generic name that includes him and all his rogues that fell and were cast down with him. satan is by no means the one and only devil, but he an entire army of devils.
Job is literal. Really happened.
Who can see into the spiritual world to know?
God said it; it's true. We're also told about this in Ecc but it's called "a wall."
He who digs a pit will fall into it, and a serpent will bite him who breaks through a wall. Ecc 10:8
Without doubt there is some kind of barrier.
Holy Spirit leads me to all truth.
Take this to the Lord and see what He reveals to you.