You did not descrive co-operating. You described being made into a new creature. and this new creature does works because he is made new.
A new person does not co-operate. they start acting out their new nature..
A dog returns to his vomit because he is a dog. A new creature, who was created anew in Christ. does not go back to his vomit like he did before. because his new nature is changed.
studier: I don't decry I am working. I was created to work, and I find working as a new creation to be very natural. In fact, I never found working to be as enjoyable as it is to be working together with Him always seeking to do His will.
E-G: We agree 100 percent on this.
You must have missed the part about working together with God. I'll leave to you to explain why working together doesn't mean to cooperate.
I doubt we agree. your still trying to cooperate to earn Gods love. I am just acting out of my new nature.
Another misrepresentation but you have to do this to maintain your false narrative.
Well I did not add to scripture.. or maybe you could show me what word I added? Not just accuse?
You can do the work. Here's some guidance: Copy what you wrote into a new post. Explain whether you translated it yourself or please supply the translation identification. Then copy and paste any other English version of the same verse and explain how yours compares and why.
great dodge.
But I have become use to this.
Says the one I've offered on several occasions to cooperate with in the review and analysis of any Scripture we had been discussing only to see you divert into one form of fallacious argument or another.
How about just taking up the task of explaining your latest post of a Scripture. If I agree with you, I'll state it clearly. If not, then I'll attempt to explain why.