Where did this come from? And why on this thread? This is seriously the best Christian site around - I've been banned from others so many times - they truly are run by wokist Nazis. If Trump gets in again, I seriously reckon all those sites will be ducking for legal cover for all their free speech breaches, and deaths due to the Covid vaxx because of their censorship and ban policies etc. And why do you accuse Juliet84 of being a setup?!?

I think we must live in different universes...
Kind of long story so short version. I possibly set myself up for a scam after being on this site around 3 weeks. Never really paid close attention to the warnings. Sort of figured this site associated with Charles Stanley when first here but told otherwise. Never tried any other sites and never bothered with any social media so I was in the dark and still get suspicious after that possible sting.
Talked to my neighbor about it since her kids probably use soc. media and after I reported incident to FBI in event of criminal activity. Agent at Chicago field office took report and said nothing could be done but would file report. So now I still not sure when after that on
4 Oct 2022 I see same avatar and now this Juliet84 looks suspicious and management Lynx tells me is overworked and underpaid but management only comes across as accusative to me and I am suspicious as only Lynx told me of situation and I have no crystal ball telling me who's who and who is trustworthy.
So management calls me stupid! Good Christians? Maybe I was stupid I say but still the nasty way some people are makes me question what each and every person is doing on this site. Particularly since I am also trying to figure out 'Christianity' for about 4 years now. Before coming on this site I watched tv preachers and some internet preachers and listened to recordings of 19th century Spurgeon. Called around the US and talked with some preachers and lay people. In a sense I'm still at square one.
Management won't respond and my only understanding is to gradually get familiar with some on this site. But that is taking time since my whole life was very anti-religious and now, I am learning that "Christianity' is fragmented and hostile in itself and this is Biblically prophesied. it seems. So that complicates matters further.