When Jesus prayed to the Father, was He praying to Himself?
Years ago I asked God how we are made, and the reply I got back was, "let us make man in our image, after our likeness",.
So the next logical question I asked, with the understanding that it would relate to how we are made was, 'how are you made?' Speaking to God.
I didn't get a direct answer but my thoughts immediately went to God being a triune being. So I surmised that we, like God, are a triune being as well.
And Jesus praying or talking to the father is not the same as you talking to yourself. However, as God is three beings in one, there are three living beings in each of us, making us one being or person as well. With each being or entity having a mind, thoughts, intentions, purposes, and a will of its own, even as Jesus had, and still has a mind, thoughts, intentions, purposes, and a will of his own, separate from the Father's.
God also told me we are made like the temple written in the Bible, for we are the Temple of the holy Ghost.
So I started looking at how the temple was made as well.
The temple had an outer Court, and intercourt, the holy place, and the most holy place or holiest of all.
And like a temple we have an outer body, and an inner body, and within that inner body there is another building or being divided into two part, with a veil dividing the two parts within that one spirit being, or man. One part you had when you were born, and the other part came into being when you were born again, which has the new man in it. The other part has the old man in it.
Notice how the Bible calls these Spirit beings, which are a part of you, men. They think, hear, see, and speak, even as you do.
Then the Bible talks about the hidden man, the heart. 1 Peter 3:4
The heart would be like the inner Court of the Temple, while the outer Court would be the physical or natural body.
But just like your spirit man is a man, so also is the heart, a man.
Paul said, I pray your whole Spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless,.. etc.
And also in Hebrews it is written, "..., Piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and Spirit, and of the joints in Marrow and it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. "
To put it simply, we are three beings living in one body making up one person.
It's interesting to note, how the soul experiences what the physical body goes through on Earth, until that body dies, then when it is in the spirit world, it experiences what the spirit body goes through.
So the soul is basically you, or rather, the conscious you. It is like the God the Father.
Now what happens when you are asleep, no longer conscious, or when you say or do things subconsciously, or without thought? Have you ever said or thought to yourself, why did I ever say or do those things, as though you had no control over what you said or did? Who or what caused you to react without thought to a situation or a person? The Bible shows that it was the hidden man, or rather the heart of man that caused the person to say or do that thing without thought.
That hidden man, what the Bible refers to as the heart of man, is like the hidden place of God, which would be Jesus.
And by the way, if you concentrate and listen, you can actually hear your heart speak to you. You can even quote the thought that comes to your mind, which is actually a voice you are hearing.
And the spirit man is basically like the Spirit of God, and within that man, there are varying spirit beings with specific abilities, that control all your abilities and inabilities, your likes and dislikes, what you think and don't think, and so on.
For example, a prophet prophesies by the spirit that is in him or her, and without said spirit being, they would not be able to prophesy, because that spirit gave them that ability to do so.
That spirit would be within your new man which would be in your spirit man. Basically it is a spirit man within a spirit man.
If you've ever had a knowing or premonition, it was a spirit that revealed it to you.
So if you look at how we are made and operate, it's not only comprehendible to understand how God can be three persons in one being, if I can put it that way, but it is very easy to not only comprehend, but both see and understand how God can be three yet one God.