Troll Treatment

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One man's prophet is another man's troll.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2013
2 Corinthians 6:13 .) Now for a recompence in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged.
14 .) Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 .) And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 .) And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 .) Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
18 .) And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Matthew 18:15 .) Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
16 .) But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
17 .) And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

Titus 3:8 .) This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.
9 .) But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
10 .) A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;
11 .) Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.

Mark 11:15 .) And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;
16 .) And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.
17 .) And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves.

Matthew 7:15 .) Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 .) Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Acts 20:28 .) Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
29 .) For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
30 .) Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
31 .) Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.


Folksy yet erudite
Aug 13, 2014
People seem to have different definitions of "troll" here. Some are talking about people who deliberately cause trouble, some are talking about people who get paid to post links all over websites, some are talking about people who are sincere but misguided, and some are talking about all of them.

I think at this point I should mention that the OP was talking about people who might be trolls, but might be sincere in their questions.

gypsygirl: I must be hanging out in the wrong forum. I missed all the fun threads. Which thread were you talking about where this happened?



okay, that's true, there are a few folks who seem to deliberately provoke arguments about christian issues. i notice that most of them hang around the bible discussion forum and eventually reveal their intention.

the problem is, i have also noticed a trend that as soon as someone enters ANY thread (and since i mostly stay in the singles forum, that is where i mostly observe these exchanges) and tosses out any idea that is contrary to beliefs generally held by most evangelical christians, other posters will resort to calling them a troll.

yesterday someone stated a single line about their "unpopular" opinion, albeit, in a very non-threatening way. another poster called him out, and proclaimed him a troll, going as far to looking in his previous posts, listing his previously participated threads and deciding that he was a "troublemaker". then two more regulars joined in the troll-proclaiming and mocking. after he was called a "punk" and a "troll" along with a few unwelcoming remarks,
the "so-called" troll apologized for having a different belief, but then said he was indeed a christian and wondered why he was being ganged up on.

i think a lot of people throw out the word "troll" just because they see something they don't agree with or view as "trouble". if someone is simply stating their dissenting beliefs, they aren't being a troll--they are simply in disagreement. it's unreasonable for us to assume that all christians (christ-seekers) are going to agree with us, or to think we can confidently identify the intentions, information or "backstory" each person is operating under/with.

you only become a "troll" in my book when you are actively attacking, name calling, causing disruption or not following the terms of service here on cc.

oh, and my pet peeve? people who talk about the OP as if they aren't there, discussing someone like they're an outsider who is unwelcome, and okay to mock.

i was pretty disgusted by a thread within the last couple weeks where a poster who was from another country was seeking love and posted something quite unusual. several posters took to mocking and teasing the poster (and the subject matter) as if the OP couldn't read what was was being posting and their feelings weren't worthy of consideration.

i would like to think of this as a place that should be welcoming. and what kind of host or hostess makes fun of a guest while they are sitting in your living room?

let's not forget that Christs' own warning--the manner by which the world would identify us as christians by the manner in which we show love for one another (john 13:35).
So what you're saying is that after he was reported and the administrators looked into the situation and made the decision to ban him, you're in disagreement with their wisdom to do so? Because the rules state that we are to abide by the administrators call on these situations.

I have more than once corresponded with the site admins about my own behavior toward some of the questionable users and asked for their insight on the matter. I hold myself accountable to them because they are the owners of this site and I respect whatever decision they make. More times than not, the people I've reported have been investigated and found to be stirring up trouble. I, too want to nurture and encourage users who are seeking God's truth.

I have been doing research and development for over 25 years and am quite qualified to find information online about a person within minutes. When I see that a new CC user is on several other sites wreaking havoc, I pretty much believe they're here to do the same thing. Nevertheless, I will give them the benefit of the doubt until I see them sparking the same controversy on CC as they do elsewhere.

It's very Christ-like of you to be concerned for them, as am I. But by the same token, someone has to be looking out for the wolves who sneak in to corrupt the site. So there needs to be a balance here. As I said, I make it a habit of reporting my own suspicions AND my own behavior to the CC site admins for their insight and wisdom on a matter.

And once the site administrator has made the call to ban a legit troublemaker, that should be the end of it. We're advised not to debate about it once that matter is resolved. That's one of the rules of this site in order to keep the peace in these matters.


6. Do not dispute the chat room moderators.

The moderators are there to watch over the chat rooms, promote fellowship, and protect the chat rooms when necessary. Their job is stressful enough. :) Don't add to their stress by disputing their actions, especially if it involves someone else and not you. For example, if you see a moderator kick someone, and wonder why, don't worry about it. The moderator probably knows something you don't. Have some trust in the moderators, appreciate them, and respect their oversight of the chat rooms.

Also please don't be making posts in the forums about someone else's ban. It doesn't help!

And please understand that we don't have the time or energy to talk to a hundred different people (or even a dozen different people) about somebody else's ban. Leave it between that person and the moderator, please!


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2014
So what you're saying is that after he was reported and the administrators looked into the situation and made the decision to ban him, you're in disagreement with their wisdom to do so? Because the rules state that we are to abide by the administrators call on these situations.

I have more than once corresponded with the site admins about my own behavior toward some of the questionable users and asked for their insight on the matter. I hold myself accountable to them because they are the owners of this site and I respect whatever decision they make. More times than not, the people I've reported have been investigated and found to be stirring up trouble. I, too want to nurture and encourage users who are seeking God's truth.
Ummm…. gypsy didn't say a word about the moderators, the investigation of suspected trouble makers, or mention anyone being banned. The topic of discussion is how often people who have unusual beliefs or confusions and don't immediately come around when offered the standard christian answers and responses are usually turned on and branded as troublemakers or trolls in the public forums. I think we'd all agree that using the report button to report your concerns to a mod is the proper course of action. Ganging up on newbies or resorting to the same kind of name calling and mocking that trolls resort to (yep, i'm guilty of getting mocking sometimes, especially when people come off as full of pride) is presenting a poor example of Christ for the whole world to see (since these forums are publicly accessible and google searchable the whole world really can watch how we interact with each other).

While I'm grateful for the mods and people like you who put in extra effort to root out the troublemakers. I have the same concerns that often people who are really hurting and struggling have their hurts glossed over. While I try to give good and caring advice when I respond to people, seeing the responses they get discourages me from sharing my own personal struggles in the forums.


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2013

let's not forget that Christs' own warning--the manner by which the world would identify us as christians by the manner in which we show love for one another (john 13:35).
That's a great point.
Let's talk about that.

1. People who come here ONLY with the intention of disrupting the forum are NOT Christians.
They aren't our brothers.

2. We show love to our TRUE brothers and sisters in Christ by REMOVING these people.

If someone comes into my home and wants to humiliate my friends...
I show love to my friends by asking that person to leave.

This isn't rocket science.


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2013
Here's is the verse in question, john 13:35

John 13:35
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

When we let someone mock and ridicule our brothers, we are actually VIOLATING this verse.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2012
So what you're saying is that after he was reported and the administrators looked into the situation and made the decision to ban him, you're in disagreement with their wisdom to do so? Because the rules state that we are to abide by the administrators call on these situations.

I have more than once corresponded with the site admins about my own behavior toward some of the questionable users and asked for their insight on the matter. I hold myself accountable to them because they are the owners of this site and I respect whatever decision they make. More times than not, the people I've reported have been investigated and found to be stirring up trouble. I, too want to nurture and encourage users who are seeking God's truth.

I have been doing research and development for over 25 years and am quite qualified to find information online about a person within minutes. When I see that a new CC user is on several other sites wreaking havoc, I pretty much believe they're here to do the same thing. Nevertheless, I will give them the benefit of the doubt until I see them sparking the same controversy on CC as they do elsewhere.

It's very Christ-like of you to be concerned for them, as am I. But by the same token, someone has to be looking out for the wolves who sneak in to corrupt the site. So there needs to be a balance here. As I said, I make it a habit of reporting my own suspicions AND my own behavior to the CC site admins for their insight and wisdom on a matter.

And once the site administrator has made the call to ban a legit troublemaker, that should be the end of it. We're advised not to debate about it once that matter is resolved. That's one of the rules of this site in order to keep the peace in these matters.
there is nothing in my post regarding banned people, or even discussing a banned person.i have no desire to debate decisions about banning or otherwise. i'm confused how you construed that from my previous post. : )

instead, i am simply trying to add to this worthy discussion topic: how do we treat people who are perceived "trolls"?

in the example of what i referenced earlier--i am concerned about is the manner in which he was engaged by, and the detrimental effect that it had on the interactions that followed, including potential lost opportunity.

i appreciate your intentions to want to play "watchdog" for the website. the problem is, i am concerned that in your effort and desire to fulfill that role you are making assessments about people that very much color your actions, as well as the tone/attitude in your words.

then, because of the original comment made and the dialogue it initiated, two additional members joined in the effort to attack this newer member.

while you may feel especially qualified to identify and approach troublemakers with the intention of determining their motives, i don't think it's a good idea for you to try to engage with them for the purpose of ascertaining whether you think they're "legit" or not.

based upon what i observed and what you shared, if you're approaching someone with that attitude of suspicion it's quite likely going to read to others (including that poster) with a "you're not welcome here" undertone, and probably less thinly-veiled that you intend. think of all the people who read that exchange who are new, such as Christ-seekers and those searching for information about the christian lifestyle. people who read that and draw their own negative conclusions, because the words we share, and the actions we take are seen by and affect more than just the person we're responding to.

anyway, i really do appreciate your desire to help the site out by identifying suspicious people. but can't you simply report them to the admins, instead of engaging them? you say that "someone" has to watch out for "wolves" but there is a big difference between identifying who you deem suspicious and reporting them, vs. engaging with them in a brash manner and calling them a troll along with your reporting of them.

further, it gives one the impression that your being a "watchdog" is more important that the people who come here, and that doesn't seem right.

besides, i think it's especially important not to underestimate the power of God's Word and the Holy Spirit to reach, speak to, and/or convict someone, regardless of their initial intentions. i am reminded of a verse in genesis 50:20:

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result...

in spite of what things appear to be, God can use any circumstance to accomplish His purpose. and whenever possible, we should seek to be in cooperation of His intentions and supporting any opportunities that come our way.

finally, it was never my intention for you to be identified in the example used in my earlier post, which is why i avoided using any names. instead, my focus/intention was to simply raise it as a recent opportunity to evaluate what we are doing as members, and perhaps how we can better leverage the opportunities we are given to reach out, engage and support those who come to CC for the intention of seeking info. as such, it was not my desire to make you feel picked on, as i do believe your intentions are well-meaning. : )
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...presenting a poor example of Christ for the whole world to see (since these forums are publicly accessible and google searchable the whole world really can watch...).
Amen! You are correct, Cinder. My spirit gets very stirred up when I discern deception. Nevertheless, I submit to the LORD as He has made me very aware this morning that He is in absolute control, not me. Hallelujah! \:D/ Yay, He's so faithful!



Carry on.



there is nothing in my post regarding banned people, or even discussing a banned person.i have no desire to debate decisions about banning or otherwise. i'm confused how you construed that from my previous post. : )

instead, i am simply trying to add to this worthy discussion topic: how do we treat people who are perceived "trolls"?

in the example of what i referenced earlier--i am concerned about is the manner in which he was engaged by, and the detrimental effect that it had on the interactions that followed, including potential lost opportunity.

i appreciate your intentions to want to play "watchdog" for the website. the problem is, i am concerned that in your effort and desire to fulfill that role you are making assessments about people that very much color your actions, as well as the tone/attitude in your words.

then, because of the original comment made and the dialogue it initiated, two additional members joined in the effort to attack this newer member.

while you may feel especially qualified to identify and approach troublemakers with the intention of determining their motives, i don't think it's a good idea for you to try to engage with them for the purpose of ascertaining whether you think they're "legit" or not.

based upon what i observed and what you shared, if you're approaching someone with that attitude of suspicion it's quite likely going to read to others (including that poster) with a "you're not welcome here" undertone, and probably less thinly-veiled that you intend. think of all the people who read that exchange who are new, such as Christ-seekers and those searching for information about the christian lifestyle. people who read that and draw their own negative conclusions, because the words we share, and the actions we take are seen by and affect more than just the person we're responding to.

anyway, i really do appreciate your desire to help the site out by identifying suspicious people. but can't you simply report them to the admins, instead of engaging them? you say that "someone" has to watch out for "wolves" but there is a big difference between identifying who you deem suspicious and reporting them, vs. engaging with them in a brash manner and calling them a troll along with your reporting of them.

further, it gives one the impression that your being a "watchdog" is more important that the people who come here, and that doesn't seem right.

besides, i think it's especially important not to underestimate the power of God's Word and the Holy Spirit to reach, speak to, and/or convict someone, regardless of their initial intentions. i am reminded of a verse in genesis 50:20:

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result...

in spite of what things appear to be, God can use any circumstance to accomplish His purpose. and whenever possible, we should seek to be in cooperation of His intentions and supporting any opportunities that come our way.

finally, it was never my intention for you to be identified in the example used in my earlier post, which is why i avoided using any names. instead, my focus/intention was to simply raise it as a recent opportunity to evaluate what we are doing as members, and perhaps how we can better leverage the opportunities we are given to reach out, engage and support those who come to CC for the intention of seeking info. as such, it was not my desire to make you feel picked on, as i do believe your intentions are well-meaning. : )
you refer twice to my beautiful sister as a watchdog? An animal? After you give us your heartfelt novels of how we should be kind to one another in Christ?....? Oh please explain...for I'm sure because I express my will kindly in Christ call me a Rottweiler?.... Oh boy oh I anticipate your next novel on me!


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2012
That's a great point.
Let's talk about that.

1. People who come here ONLY with the intention of disrupting the forum are NOT Christians.
They aren't our brothers.

2. We show love to our TRUE brothers and sisters in Christ by REMOVING these people.

If someone comes into my home and wants to humiliate my friends...
I show love to my friends by asking that person to leave.

This isn't rocket science.
Here's is the verse in question, john 13:35

John 13:35
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

When we let someone mock and ridicule our brothers, we are actually VIOLATING this verse.

you're putting words in my mouth. i am afraid that you and i are talking about very different "troll scenarios". what you described earlier is someone who is anti-christian with an agenda. i am not talking about them.

however, what i am talking about is our obligation to people who identify themselves as chrisitans and the only reason they are being treated poorly is because they state a belief or make a statement that isn't consistent with the christian majority. the appropriate response isn't to call them names or belittle them for dissenting opinion.

we can't expect every christian to agree with all of our beliefs, and (unless there is ample reason) it isn't our call to judge them, their heart and intentions, and then feel entitled to treat them badly. and then call them names.

if you want to justify bad behavior-- encouraging others to decide who is legitimate or not, and feeling free to treat them accordingly that's up to you, and yours to defend. however, please don't confuse my example with yours. as i stated in my reply to yours, the examples of people being called trolls that i've witnessed seldom fit into the description you have given, probably because i tend to avoid the bible discussion forum and stick to this one.

however, there are plenty of verses that speak of our behavior standard to others and the world. i am sure you can find those as well. : )

if there's one thing this site doesn't need is more encouragement of, it would be the actions that come from people who assume they know posters' hearts and intentions.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2013
you refer twice to my beautiful sister as a watchdog? An animal? After you give us your heartfelt novels of how we should be kind to one another in Christ?....? Oh please explain...for I'm sure because I express my will kindly in Christ call me a Rottweiler?.... Oh boy oh I anticipate your next novel on me!
It seems very clear that gypsy is referring to the role of watchdog rather than calling anyone any names. It's a common enough expression. She even used quotation marks.

Regarding the few times she and I have disagreed on things, usually in chat, I've never felt disrespected. More often than not, we both have a greater understanding of the overall topic and each other's viewpoints. Kind of an "iron sharpens iron" thing, if you will. This would never have been the case if either of us got offended at the benign expressions we use in our conversations.
Sep 6, 2013
It seems very clear that gypsy is referring to the role of watchdog rather than calling anyone any names. It's a common enough expression. She even used quotation marks.

Agreed... the word "watchdog" is not at all a derogatory word.



maintain surveillance over (a person, activity, or situation).



Urge to troll...RISING...


Being called a watchdog is good. "Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." :) Praise Jesus!



Hoss2576 The answers to your original questions are. Well, that depends on what your definition of is is and also what your definition of troll is.


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2013

you're putting words in my mouth. i am afraid that you and i are talking about very different "troll scenarios". what you described earlier is someone who is anti-christian with an agenda. i am not talking about them.
Yes, we're talking about different things.

I wasn't trying to take shots at you, I was just using what you said as a starting place.

all of which could stand to be addressed.

My apologies if I offended you.
I could have been more clear.
: )
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