Not exactly. While we did get hit at Pearl from a surprise attack. It still did not open up the US for invasion as the Pac had not been turned into a lake. Japan, knew this and engaged us in other battles. None being decisive so they decided they would lure us into a trap at Midway. We turned the tables and surprised them and Japan was never a threat to invade the west coast the remainder of the war.
There are some things I would like to underline about this, though.
We are no longer protected by the lack of technology like back in 1941. In this regard the tables have not only turned, but are swinging in an unprecedented fashion.
The potential adversary is no longer limited to the Axis Powers. It is a whole new musical being played by the orchestra now.
Our administration is deliberately throwing insults at our allies. The VP has stepped on literally every war veterans honor in allied countries.
It’s no less than embarrassing.