I didn't vote for inflation.
I don't care who you voted for or whether or not you agree. The only thing I have an issue with is if you don't understand the current situation.
The deal with the US economy has been that the world buys our debt and in exchange we buy their imports at a discount. However, in the last few years they have stopped buying our debt. You may not realize it but for the most part the only people holding US debt are Americans. All of our banks have been forced to invest your savings account money into US debt. But in the last year things have gotten much worse as the major countries holding our debt (China, Japan, etc) are selling it. This has forced the Fed to buy up our debt because there is no market for it, and if you raise the interest rates it would blow a hole in our budget and we would be bankrupt.
BRICS is the world trying to move to a gold backed security. If they do this and the US loses the reserve currency status we will become Venezuela overnight.
So what you are watching is a full out war over who has the reserve currency. Ukraine and the Mideast are directly tied to this.
So Trump has a strategy to combat this, if you understand the context being a war over who has the reserve currency, and you understand the ramifications if we lose that, then by all means let's hear your solution.
But we can all see Trump's solution. First, we have had an unprecedented amount of gold repatriated to the US since he was elected. His plan is to do a gold squeeze and he has clearly let all the big money like the five major banks and Buffet know. If they can do a gold squeeze and gold goes from $3,000 an ounce to $10,000 and ounce the US government would then have over $3 trillion worth of gold. He could then exchange this for $3 trillion worth of US debt held by the Fed and the big 5 banks. Dumping all that gold back on the market in a single trade would crash the price of gold to less than $3,000 an ounce and he could buy back the $1 trillion in gold and repeat the process. There is no other reason why millions of ounces of gold are coming back to the US and whoever is buying this is also taking possession.
To make this attempt to squeeze gold even more effective the tariffs are going to crush global trade.
He is hitting BRICS from two sides. No one can use a currency that will be as volatile as gold will become in a short squeeze and by shutting down global trade with protectionist policies their economies will suffer the most. Russia, China, India, Iran, South Africa, Brazil, they will all be in a catastrophic situation. We are talking about a great depression that is global. The slums in these countries will become apocalyptic.
So these are our two options, stay on the course that Biden was on and we become Venezuela in one or two years. Or you can fight back, in a no holds barred, winner take all fight to the death.