What’s involved in doing God’s will unto salvation?

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Oct 10, 2015
Matthew 7 (NLT):

21 “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter.
22 On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name
and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’
23 But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’ ”

Mark 9:47 -- entering the kingdom of Heaven/God is the opposite of being cast into hell.
Matthew 25:34-46 -- Inheriting the kingdom is for the righteous who gain eternal life.
So, the bottom line is: entering the kingdom of Heaven/God is like gaining eternal life.

People on Christian forums usually only see the Pentecostal part of the above.
But, this whole teaching is about DOING GOD’s WILL.
It stands against people who “practice lawlessness” (NKJV) -- who break God’s laws!
To do God’s will, one needs to be practicing righteousness, not lawlessness!
This is my favorite NT verse about practicing righteousness:
“In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest:
whoever does NOT practice righteousness is NOT of God” (1 John 3:10, NKJV)

So, how about DOING GOD’s WILL … and stop breaking God’s laws!

“God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from sexual sin.
Then each of you will control his own body – and live in holiness and honor –
not in lustful passion like the pagans do who do not know God and his ways.
… God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives. Therefore, anyone
who refuses to live by these rules is not disobeying human teaching, but is
rejecting God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.” (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8, NLT)

“Patient endurance(*) is what you need now, so that you will continue to do
God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.” (Hebrews 10:36, NLT)
(*) endurance in everything: belief-faith-trust-obedience

“And the world is passing away, and the lust of it;
but he who does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 2:17, NKJV)

The amazing thing is … because the Scriptures are all inspired by God …
ALL commands and instructions given to believers are about doing the will of God.

Matthew 7 (NLT):
24 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise,
like a person who builds a house on solid rock.
25 Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds
beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock.
26 But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish,
like a person who builds a house on sand.
27 When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house,
it will collapse with a might crash.”

As with all of God’s warnings, many people insist they must be referring to rewards.
But, these 4 verses are about LOSING SALVATION.
Yes, when a believer’s wonderful spiritual house of salvation
(attained through God’s incredible free gift of faith through grace)
collapses with a mighty crash, it is not referring to losing some great reward(s)!

Yes, if you are NOT following Jesus’ teaching, you are sinning.
If you are NOT sincerely repenting of your sins, they are NOT being washed away.
This is what all of the many dire warnings in the NT are all about …
sin results in eternal death.

So, be sure that your continuing sins are continuously being
confessed and covered over by Jesus’ precious blood (1 John 1:7-9).

Your sincere repentance will display that your heart attitude is correct and pleasing to God.
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Nov 22, 2015
The Will of the Father is to believe on Jesus.

1 John 3:23-24 (NASB)
This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us.

[SUP]24 [/SUP]
The one who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. We know by this that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.

John 6:40 - For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day

The good works we do are from "being in Christ"..being lead by the Holy Spirit. Notice God has prepared them for us. We walk them out as we life our lives dependent on Him.

Ephesians 2:8-10 (NASB)
[SUP]8 [/SUP] For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

[SUP]9 [/SUP] not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Nov 22, 2015
I have found at least 7 things about doing the will of God on this earth now that we are in Christ.

1) That we have eternal life in Christ - John 6:40

2) That we be filled with the Holy Spirit - Eph 5:16-21

3) That we live a pure, disciplined lifestyle - 1 Thess 4:3-4 ( we live out that holiness that is already in us in our new man ..created in Christ in righteousness and holiness )

4) That we are rejoicing in the Lord, praying without ceasing, and grateful - 1 Thess 5:16-18

5) That we be a law-abiding citizen - 1 Peter 2:13-16

6) That we believe and influence others to believe - 2 Peter 3:9

7) That we commit ourselves to God and other believers - 2 Cor 8:5

According to the works-based salvationists...if someone is not joyful one day or didn't pray for a couple of days...or was not grateful for a day or so and they died..then they would go to hell because they didn't do " the will of God"..( see #4 above )....

How foolish this nonsense is when we do not factor in the "will of the Father" for salvation in being with the Lord when we die. If we do not factor in the completed work of Christ for our salvation then we will come up with all kinds of man-made "works" we must do to "help" Jesus with our salvation.

What about #5 above...if you speed and crash your car and die..you go to hell because you were not doing " the will of God"...again the complete foolishness of people that say..not doing the will of God are not
saved without factoring in just what is the "will of the Father" for salvation .

The "doing of the will of God" for salvation is to believe on Christ and it is by grace through faith only - no works. Eph 2:8-9

The saint who rests in Christ and in His finished work is the will of God and what appears to be his free choices are actually God's will for him. It's loving God because you know His love for you, doing what is inside of you under His influence. Phil 2:13
Dec 1, 2014
The Will of the Father is to believe on Jesus.

1 John 3:23-24 (NASB)
This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us.

[SUP]24 [/SUP]
The one who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. We know by this that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.

John 6:40 - For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day

The good works we do are from "being in Christ"..being lead by the Holy Spirit. Notice God has prepared them for us. We walk them out as we life our lives dependent on Him.

Ephesians 2:8-10 (NASB)
[SUP]8 [/SUP] For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

[SUP]9 [/SUP] not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

That's it. Case closed. No need to continue this thread.
Oct 10, 2015
As per usual and normal for you guys ...
you ignore Scripture passages which are presented in someone's OP.

So, let's have an apples and oranges fight ... choose your weapon.

But, I'll fight with both ... because as I have stated ... I honor both weapons equally.

So, fighting with both ... for each throw, I'll tie one apple together with one orange.
Oct 10, 2015
For those who either cannot read, or insist on rejecting clear Scripture,
I will repeat the obvious ...

If you break God's laws, you are not doing the will of God.

So says Jesus in Matthew 7:21-23.

Some of us will be welcoming your comments on this.
Nov 22, 2015
For those who either cannot read, or insist on rejecting clear Scripture,
I will repeat the obvious ...

If you break God's laws, you are not doing the will of God.

So says Jesus in Matthew 7:21-23.

Some of us will be welcoming your comments on this.
I agree...and what are God's commandments in the New Covenant . They are in 1 John 2:23.

Ok...so we know it is God's will that we follow the laws of those in authority. If you speed and die in a car crash - do you go to hell for not "doing God's will" that night?

We all know God's will for salvation as in having eternal life - is to believe in the finished work of Christ.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2011
For those who either cannot read, or insist on rejecting clear Scripture,
I will repeat the obvious ...

If you break God's laws, you are not doing the will of God.

So says Jesus in Matthew 7:21-23.

Some of us will be welcoming your comments on this.
That is your carnal understanding.

Romans 9:31-33
[FONT=&quot]31 But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]32 Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]33 As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

Romans 3:21-27

[FONT=&quot]21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.

Are you trying to be righteous or are you trying to work at the 10 commandments? You'll need to study and pray to find out the difference between the two.[/FONT]


Senior Member
May 17, 2013
Ac 16:30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

For the cause of Christ
Nov 22, 2015
Ac 16:30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

For the cause of Christ


Acts 16:30-31 (NASB)
[SUP]30 [/SUP] and after he brought them out, he said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"

[SUP]31 [/SUP]
They said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household."
Oct 10, 2015
Ac 16:30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
Baby Christians are supposed to eventually come to the realization that
"believing" includes believing what Jesus said in hundreds of verses,
not just what He said in verses such as John 3:16.

Verses such as John 3:16 are simply to catch the little fishes,
and get those poor little flappers on the right road ...
which hopefully will be that narrow road that Jesus insists upon!

The grace-only OSAS believers are NOT on Jesus' narrow road.
They are on the broad road to hell, which allows for unrepentant sinning along the way.
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Nov 22, 2015
Notice that in Matt 7:19-33..Jesus said:

"I never knew you "...these people were not believers...( Jesus never said " I used to know you once."..He said I NEVER knew you at all...).

Everyone when they see Jesus will call Him Lord.....Jesus said that He "knows" His sheep so those in Matt. 7:19-33 are not true Christians.

John 10:14 (KJV)
[SUP]14 [/SUP]I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.


Senior Member
May 17, 2013
Baby Christians are supposed to eventually come to the realization that
"believing" includes believing what Jesus said in hundreds of verses,
not just what He said in verses such as John 3:16.

Verses such as John 3:16 are simply to catch the little fishes,
and get those poor little flappers on the right road ...
which hopefully will be that narrow road that Jesus insists upon!

The grace-only OSAS believers are NOT on Jesus' narrow road.
They are on the broad road to hell, which allows for unrepentant sinning along the way.
You are sadly deluded. Jesus never said the way was narrow only that the gate was narrow. Only through Jesus can one be saved. Jesus did say His burden was light.

Mt 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Why will you bind heavy burdens upon believers?

Mt 23:4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

Why does grace put you into a bad mood? Why do you rot your socks over salvation as a gift from God?

For the cause of Christ


Senior Member
Apr 7, 2014
Baby Christians are supposed to eventually come to the realization that
"believing" includes believing what Jesus said in hundreds of verses,
not just what He said in verses such as John 3:16.
What Jesus said in hundreds of verses does not take away from or add to John 3:16. Jesus clearly drew the line in the sand on who will not be condemned and who will be condemned and why. John 3:18 - He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Verses such as John 3:16 are simply to catch the little fishes,
and get those poor little flappers on the right road ...
which hopefully will be that narrow road that Jesus insists upon!
Believing in Jesus and receiving eternal life does not merely lead you to the narrow road in order to be saved some other way, but is the narrow road. The narrow road is not salvation by works.

The grace-only OSAS believers are NOT on Jesus' narrow road.
You are not qualified to make that judgment call. You do not infallibly know the hearts of ALL OSAS believers. There are plenty of NOSAS make believers in various false religions and cults who have clearly demonstrated they trust in works for salvation who are not on Jesus' narrow road, yet you never mention them.

They are on the broad road to hell, which allows for unrepentant sinning along the way.
Unbelievers are on the broad road to hell. Genuine believers do not allow for unrepentant sinning along the way (1 John 3:9-10). Your straw man argument is getting old.


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2016
The grace-only OSAS believers are NOT on Jesus' narrow road.
They are on the broad road to hell, which allows for unrepentant sinning along the way.
You are so wrong.. If you believe you are saved by something other than the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ,, you are not saved...
Oct 10, 2015
True saving belief demands obedience!
The writer of Hebrews says: Disobedience proves unbelief!
Thread proving this coming up in a day or two.


Well folks, if we MUST keep all of God's commands to enter heaven, then God might as well close it down because I, nor will any of you be there.
I have eternal life only because of the blood of Jesus that covers my sin from the eyes of my Father.
I believe!!!!!!!
Now if you SAY that you are keeping ALL of God's commandments, and you have eternal life because of YOUR KEEPING, you are lying to me and your self.

II Timothy 1:12


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2016
Now if you SAY that you are keeping ALL of God's commandments, and you have eternal life because of YOUR KEEPING, you are lying to me and your self.
Yes indeed.. They are lying to themselves they are putting forward a doctrine that is a lie which actually condemns themselves because they break Gods laws probably every day of their lives..


Senior Member
Apr 7, 2014
True saving belief demands obedience!
The writer of Hebrews says: Disobedience proves unbelief!
Thread proving this coming up in a day or two.
I don't hear anyone saying that true saving belief does not result in obedience. Faith is the root and obedience which follows is the fruit of salvation. No fruit at all would demonstrate there is no root. Obedience is a manifestation of true saving belief and continued disobedience is a manifestation of unbelief.


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2016
Romans 10
16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?
17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

One command of obedience for salvation: believe the gospel report of Jesus Christ dying for your sins.