The thing about it is... that the verb in verse 29 is in the "Subjunctive mood"... "so that no flesh might glory/boast [V-ASM-3S] in His presence"
[see here] --
... so it's not saying "so that no flesh WILL..." (which is what you're suggesting it's saying).
The text is not conveying this though, as shown above.
Of course that's your goal, to have it say this so you can maintain your incorrect thoughts about the Greek word for "to bring to nought" (kjv), G2673, which in other verses is the English word "destroyed / destroy" (2Th2:8b [re: man of sin], 1Cor15:24,26 [re: death], and Heb2:14 [re: satan]), but means "rendered inoperative [annulled, to make idle (inactive)]" ... (NOT "annihilated" or "put as extinct / obliterated into nothingness" or the like.
[see here] --
... so it's not saying "so that no flesh WILL..." (which is what you're suggesting it's saying).
The text is not conveying this though, as shown above.
Of course that's your goal, to have it say this so you can maintain your incorrect thoughts about the Greek word for "to bring to nought" (kjv), G2673, which in other verses is the English word "destroyed / destroy" (2Th2:8b [re: man of sin], 1Cor15:24,26 [re: death], and Heb2:14 [re: satan]), but means "rendered inoperative [annulled, to make idle (inactive)]" ... (NOT "annihilated" or "put as extinct / obliterated into nothingness" or the like.
So i maintain that "brought to nought" does mean destroy in Hebrews 2:14 i.e. the devil will be destroyed. Think about it, if something is not brought to nothing then there's still something left which is impossible. That's why no flesh will glory in God's presence and the devil is literally destroyed (annihilated if you will.)
So the KJV translators clearly did their homework and made a very neat and consistent translation compared to almost every other Bible version.
I'm by no means a KJV-only person, but they definitely did a good job parsing the Greek in a way that completely unites manuscripts with complex ideas: it stands to scrutiny.
The devil is destroyed in the lake of fire, unbelievers are put to death, and whosoever shall not believe in Jesus will perish and not receive eternal life under any circumstances.
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