^ Consider the following, in view of what you've put here:
Matt24:4-8 / Mk13:5-8 / Lk21:8-11 are "the beginning of birth pangs"
...but v.12 says, "
that is, BEFORE ALL THESE beginning of birth pangs] the FOLLOWING SECTION of events (vv.12-24a/b) must take place (
i.e. THE 70ad events in vv.12-24a/b [ONLY])
Matt24 then STARTS OUT with "the
beginning of birth pangs" (which are the EQUIVALENT of the SEALS of Rev6...
but Rev1:1[1:19c/4:1] INCLUDES THESE in "the things which must come to pass
not unfold from the first century, nor over a great spans of time...) which are thereafter FOLLOWED by the events spelled out
later in the passage,
such as vv.15-21 [mid-trib events], etc etc)
This is the SEQUENCE that the Olivet Discourse is disclosing... (so that, everything in the Matt24 section is "yet future" [far-future to when written], and does not include anything of the 70ad events, but where "the beginning of birth pangs" [
which happen AFTER the 70ad events!!]
later/future-ly PICK UP THE STORYLINE [
and continue forward from THOSE], so to speak).
The BLUE is correct (THAT SECTION of Lk21 IS about the 70ad events)...
but because of the SEQUENCE ISSUES within the Olivet Discourse,
the Matt & Mk passages ^ referred to above speak of the "far-future" aspect (those things which come AFTER "the beginning of birth pangs"--which KICK-OFF the future trib years [SEALS])!
"you/ye" of the Olivet Discourse is a "
consistent 'you'/'ye'" and a "
proleptic 'you'"... [proleptic] meaning (basically) "all those in the future,
of the same category," and Jesus,
up to and INCLUDING His Olivet Discourse had NOT YET mentioned ANYTHING about our "Rapture [IN THE AIR]," but spoke
all about His Second Coming
to the earth,
FOR the promised and prophesied
earthly Millennial Kingdom (
promised to Israel--and yes,
they will INVITE "guests [PLURAL]"--so
not JUST them, see

), which will commence upon His "RETURN"
to the earth (Rev19)