@OldSage , what are you suggesting that
v.12's "BUT BEFORE ALL THESE" is in reference to (WHAT is it the writer is saying must come
PRIOR TO *what other things*... in this chpt)??
Firstly I think you need to understand that Jesus makes the same presentation,
in essence, in all three of the so-called 'Olivet' or Temple question and answer sessions. The shape in all three accounts is the same really, notwithstanding certain differences.
The Temple teachings revolve around two related questions -
1) When will the Temple be destroyed
2) What is the Sign of it about to happen
with an answer detailing -
1) The series of 'news' events in answer to the when
2) The reference to the AoD as the Sign requested by the disciples
However in all three accounts Jesus interpolates between the two part answer an additional piece of material that is both instruction and warning, and that is not specifically an answer to either question. The instruction is that the gospel will be preached during the entirety of the period
the gospel must first be preached to all nations
and the warning is that as a consequence the disciples will be viciously persecuted.
This preaching and persecution message does not really relate to the timing issue, rather the point is that this is an ongoing state of affairs throughout the 34 odd years in view. The other things are specific time markers, sequential events, but the persecution is a constant as the Ministry of the Gospel is a constant, and the Jewish resistance to it is a constant.
So in Luke Jesus says,
'but before all these things' - 'de pro hapas touton' - but the 'pro' (before) here really designates importance. The critical thing in this period is the preaching of the gospel. So 'pro' should really be translated as 'above' or 'more important than'. That is what Jesus is driving at. He is giving them the timings, but he is telling them that their ministry and their response to intense persecution is more important than the timings-
Everyone will hate you because of me.
In Matthew Jesus says
"then (tote) you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time (tote)....." but 'tote' means then in the sense of 'at that time' rather than 'next in order of time'. So it would be better translated I think as:
At that time you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death and you will be hated by all nations because of me
Matthew is indicating, as in Mark and Luke, the general state of affairs over the 34 years after Jesus's crucifixion, namely
preaching of the Gospel and fierce persecution by the Jews, and the necessity to hold firm
'til the end', as
'the love of most will grow cold'. A
s in Luke, Jesus is paralleling his narrative on the timeline with the more important matter of the gospel in the face of intense persecution.