This isn't a competition.
This is about the power within Creation and all Created. And millennia ago that power sent us a message. Proof of The word,The Creator, is in all creation.
The inspired word is the narrative that accompanies those visuals,all of nature,including us,that lets us know not only is Holy Spirit real but "He" has something to tell us.
We are not alone here.
This isn't a game. It isn't fun to mock what Christians believe with their whole heart and live day to day.
Twisting scripture, insisting it says what we need to hear isn't clarity through the Spirit.
No doubt,as every community of Christ has them,there are those who enter and being outright atheist or skeptics,find it a hobby to make claims about the teaching in a chapter and passage just to have fun with the locals.
Shake up our world. See how long we'll spend time trying to set a misguided sister or brother on the righteous path of understanding.
Throwing in a few Ad hominems just to sate their darkness. They even mock God's love.
Most Christians are aware of these agents of the opposition.
Here's the thing.
Jesus told us our natural mind cannot understand the things of God. Because in that natural state we think that stuff is foolish.
Trolls harassing Christs own are proof of that.
No one comes to Jesus unless God leads them to him. Which means leads them to understanding what it means to come to Jesus. And that only happens to that natural man,woman,when the Holy Spirit enters into them
And those into whom Holy Spirit enters are known by God as his Elect. Those he elects to call to his salvation. He knew them before the foundation of the world. And he revealed,he wrote their names down in his Lamb's Book of Life.
Omni love? God hated Essau. All those who perished by Gods will in the Old Testament. Even the unborn ripped from their mother's womb. Omni love is our salve,our fiction. Making God not even in our image and likeness. But something we prefer after reading his history in his own words.
If God wanted to save everyone in the world he would have lifted the natural carnal consciousness we are born with. He would have erased our fallen nature because the blood of God,the unblemished lamb that is Jesus,God,The Word, made flesh and who dwelt among us as Emmanuel "God with us".
But he didn't.
Truly,God only knows. But when Jesus,God The Word,tells his Disciples, and us who read his words,if he lets us to understand because our natural mind is overcome by his spirits will, he taught in parables the way to salvation because it is given to some to understand The Way. While it is not given to others. Because those others are not meant,by God,to understand and repent.
That's Jesus in the actual scripture that I've only paraphrased in part here.
He knows what he's talking about. Because he has mercy upon whom he will have mercy. And hardens whom he will harden.
God sends his words to the world. And humans debate what he actually meant to say to them.
Some do this because they're not believers. Some do this because they are. And are just trying to understand the big picture. But what they miss? They are the big picture.
That's why they understood how to find salvation. Because they first knew they needed it.
Trolls aside, Gods people have always been divided. The wheat and the chaff parable. The casting of the seeds on different ground.
It's all one whole,holy,message. Mockers be damned. As God wills.
This is life! Eternal,irrevocable.
No one can lead a born again Christian to doubt.
God leads us to learn.
The Faithful here know who we are.
So to do the fakes.
Stay the path of righteousness and don't be led down their road.
We know where we're headed at the end of this life.
We know where they're headed too. Some are already there. Read them. You'll see it. That's God too. Showing us the truth.
Discernment and righteous judgement is a blessing. And responsibility.
A long post, yes. Part was my impatience with some here. Most was just me writing what God brought to mind.
Oh,I know, that'll be mocked too.
"Love ya. Muahhhhh.". Sad.
But that's OK. God loves me. And all his Elect.
Thank you for reading me,if you got this far.
God Bless.