This IsThe Way; Walk In it,
It is the way to your repentance and salvation, it goes
on to say. In quietness and trust is your strength. So
The Lord is making sure we hear the message and not
Only hear it but accept and act upon it. Otherwise if we
go on our own way, the consequences will be a danger
to us in the sense of falling away from God. As it often
happens, that is taken as God's punishment but in fact
it is our own neglect. It is not the evil one nipping at our
heals, rather it is our own lack of diligence that we fall
away. So it is not only being made aware of what God
tells us to do, it is a matter of internal revelation that we
really indulge ourselves of His graces. In Him we live
and in Him we love and needs to be in a sincere way.
It is the way to your repentance and salvation, it goes
on to say. In quietness and trust is your strength. So
The Lord is making sure we hear the message and not
Only hear it but accept and act upon it. Otherwise if we
go on our own way, the consequences will be a danger
to us in the sense of falling away from God. As it often
happens, that is taken as God's punishment but in fact
it is our own neglect. It is not the evil one nipping at our
heals, rather it is our own lack of diligence that we fall
away. So it is not only being made aware of what God
tells us to do, it is a matter of internal revelation that we
really indulge ourselves of His graces. In Him we live
and in Him we love and needs to be in a sincere way.
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