If you'd like some help with older games on Windows 8 and 10 let me know. I use an older sports game with DX9 on windows 8.1 and it runs well. I also play a lot of other games and most of the new os like 8.1/10 don't have the "legacy/old direct X files in the back end of the new direct X 12 on 8.1/10 which causes older games to be choppy or not display well.....you need the direct X rollup update for June 2010.....it will fill the back end in....also games need .net framework 3.5 and 4.5 to work with direct X. If you need the link for these I can supply them to you from microsoft....just let me know by pm...

Happy gaming!
Here is the link to a guide I made for my game mad08 to work on Windows versions xp/7/8.1/10.....some of the links of .netframework and direct X are on there as well on my first post on the gaming forum....some suggestion may work for your game idk..?
Attn: W10/8.1/7/XP Users with issues running madden08 update revision 11-2015 - FootballIdiot
Hi and thanks for the help. Windows 10 comes equipped with .net framework already and I have all the directx releases. My issue isn't getting games to play. In fact, they run flawlessly in their native state. My issue is when modding dx9 games that use the d3d9.dll.
My issue is a little more complex since it involves playing modified games. Take Skyrim for instance. I have added some things to the game such as 4k textures and meshes for parallax, lighting overhauls, about 140 scripted plugins, and two shader mods that use advanced forms of antialiasing and add complex ambient occlusion, depth of field, and other things like water reflections and subsurface scattering. I am running about 160 mods at the moment, some of which add a ton of content to the game, some that make the graphics better than any current gen game, and some that are simply bug fixes.
Skyrim in its native state is hard capped at around 3GB~ of RAM and VRAM usage which isn't an issue in an unmodified game. If it reaches or exceeds this limit, such as in a modded game, it crashes. One workaround is to use a .dll injector that duplicates processes to allow for near unlimited use of RAM and VRAM. In Windows 7, if I modded the game to my liking, I would be using around 7-8GB of VRAM and RAM of my combined 24GB available in 4k resolution and still be able to keep a high stable frame rate. Since Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, the injector can no longer do what it's supposed to do because of the hard cap of 4GB imposed on dx9 apps by Microsoft. They have admitted this to be a bug on their part and that is all they have said about it in over a year. There is even a petition out there for them to fix this.
So I am limited on how much I can mod the game, the quality of antialiasing, the quality of textures, my resolution, how many scripts I can run, and so on.
I spent almost two years saving money and buying parts to build a beastly PC in the hopes of fully modding my older games. I am running 16GB of high quality RAM and 8GB of GDDRX5 VRAM from my graphics card. Unfortunately, because of this bug, my dx9 games, even with the .dll injector, are only allowed by Windows to utilize 4GB of my combined total of 24GB of memory. This severely limits what I can do and makes a modded game virtually unplayable since it crashes once it hits the 4GB ceiling. What's worse is that two of the mods (including the injector that allows for use of more memory) require a pre-allocated amount of memory before starting the game of 768MB each. This sucks up around 1.5GB of memory from the start for memory swapping and leaves only 2.5GB to utilize in real time.
This wouldn't be an issue for most people, but take the one shader mod I'm using for example. It has over 4 million downloads since its release. This means there are a ton of people who like to modify their games and are being limited by the Windows 10 architecture. One solution is to revert back to Windows 7 to remove the memory cap, but Windows 7 doesn't support directx 12 games which most future games will start running under. So in Windows 7, you won't be able to play next gen games and in Windows 10, you can't play modded older games.
I spent a lot of money on this PC in hopes of pushing older games to their max and have been strong armed into getting Windows 10, just to find out what I built the PC for is impossible to do in Windows 10. And furthermore, to revert back to Windows 7 means I won't be able to use my PC to play newer games that it is designed to run as well. The only option is to buy a copy of Windows 7 and set up a dual boot for both OSes, which almost makes me wonder if that is why Microsoft hasn't fixed the bug yet. More money for them from gamers.