what we think of gays...

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Its easy to be judgemental, isnt' it. The question shouldn't even be a question that is asked, "What do you think of gays". Its a loaded question and asking you to pass judgement. Doing so is not our place and it certianly is not our place to judge especilly in such a sweeping generalizing fashion.

Absolutely, judgement is reserved for God. We can discern, but we cannot judge, or we shall be judged just as harshly.

Yes some, many, if not most choose the lifestyle. Some are born that way, yes its scientific fact. Up to 2% of the population are born with with sexual organ deformaties and or chromosome mix ups you could say. Now put yourself in thier shoes. You are born, with both, or mix of sexual organs, you look female but really genetically you are a male with female sex organs. Hermaphridites are a fact of human life as it is with most life on the planet.

Being a hemaphrodite (please excuse my spelling) does not make you gay. Nor does it mean you WILL be gay. Homosexuals are NOT BORN....yes there are genetic defects, and sometimes the painful choice is made one way or the other for whether the child will be a boy or a girl....but that relates to GENDER not sexuality. Once they're defined as one way or the other, in that instance, then they should strive to live a Godly life. You ALWAYs ALWAYS have the choice nomatter what the world will try and tell you.

God created it, so is it evil? They have hormones like the rest of us, and hormones rule your day to what you think and feel.

Oh I really really hope you dont mean that!!!! Hormones do NOT rule what you think!!!! And hormones are certainly not an excuse to sin!

Now we are telling them you can't act on them becasue it would be evil.

Every single person on this planet has to deal with this hurdle....its called sex...period. The issue of hormones and sex is not exclusive to homosexuals you know!! We ALL have to deal with sexual immorality and make our choices as to whether we will follow God's instructions or not. No, you cannot always act on hormones!!!!!! Goodness, if everyone did, the world would be nothing but a mess!!! There is a thing called restraint, and we as Christians are called to practice restraint. Some people are not destined to marry, this is true, and some are called to a life of celibacy...that may seem like an impossibility to some, but sex is NOT A NEED. If you cannot follow God's laws about sex, then perhaps marriage and sexual intercourse are not on the cards for you. Jesus said "if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out. It would be better for you to enter the kingdom of heaven with one eye then to be cast into hell with two" it is better for those who may NOT have feelings for the opposite sex to live a life of holiness, a life following Jesus. Not a bad calling wouldnt you say???

Its real easy to judge or say how they should act or what they should do when you yourself have never had to deal with being born gay, or transexual or hermaphrodite.

Absolutely! I fully admit I have never been in that situation, but I DO know what the bible says...and it is absolutely 100% truth. I can rely on the Word, and the Word is clear on this subject.

I would say most Christian s are plain old ignorant of the statistical facts and base thier judgements on these people on purely dogmatic teachings of some zealous preacher.

With all due respect, you said earlier that people make unfair generalisations, and that is true, but I believe this statement would also fall into that category wouldnt it? You cannot say what "most" christians know or don't know, or how they came to their own conclusions.

You all need to wear your own clothes and not the clothes of anyother man. In other words, think for yourself, keep your witts about you, always look for a deeper understanding, pray about it. Persoanlly I find it disgusting the reaction of Christians and society in general have towards these born that way people. Some choose it, some don't. I am tired of people looking at any deformity and saying..."well they must have committed a sin or thier parents did".

Again, the distinction here is not clear. There is a DEFINITE difference between those who are born with a sexual defect, like hemaphrodites, and those who have no defect and yet become gay. If we're referring to those with a physical birth defect, then sure, we need to treat these cases sensitively. It's not the person's fault that they're born with a physical genetic defect that has truly confused their birth gender. However, if we're talking about people who for whatever reason have chosen to sleep with the opposite sex, then I'm sorry but the bible is clear on whether that is sin or not. We still have to treat them with love, same as anyone, but the act IS sin. And as for generational sin, I have never actually heard anyone say that, and I would dispute that idea with anyone.

Why do you always look for justification? Christians should reject dogmatic teachings that are generalizations of a whole group of people.

Im as against blind dogma as anyone, but you cannot dispute what the bible clearly states. You either accept it, or you don't. Simple as that. You can find a justification for just about anything you want to, but that doesnt mean God will accept that.

What do I think of gays? I don't. I know they are human, I know they can do good or bad, but who the hell are you to judge them? Take care of your own glass house.
I appreciate your thoughts on the subject, and I am well aware that they are shared by the majority around the world....but I have to respectfully disagree that this is the way God views it. God's word makes this clear, and I believe without a shadow of a doubt that God has a plan for each and every person, and His plans are above anything we may imagine for ourselves. But His plans to require obedience, even in the face of worldly notions of "tolerance" and acceptance of sin.




Can a Homosexual get saved? Yes!

Christians are to be known by thier fruit, and this fruit is to be the fruit of love. Love is patient, Love is kind, (1Cor.13) We are not suppose to hate or judge others!

The hate from Christians does not bear the fruit of Love, it does not bring people to the Lord, it pushes them away.

In fact, you can see the Law of sin and death working in this! (Judgement and punnishment)

If we judge someone based on what they do, and count them as unworthy of salvation, we acually count ourselves as unworthy of the salvation we were given for free.

If you break one rule of the Law you broke the whole Law, when we judge another person by this Law as unworthy, we ourselves are judged with the same measurement.

We are suppose to Love our nieghbors as we Love ourselves. Do not Judge lest you be judged with the same measurement! Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?

I hear a clanging cymbal, an irritating sound coming from the body, they lack love! The fruit of knowing Jesus!

I see a body that doesn't understand thier salvation, and are still trapped in the old Law.

I can see what Jesus was up against with the Pharisees!

(Mat.5:20) For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will by no means enter
the kingdom of heaven!

When God shows himself to us, He revealed himself as what?

Love, for God is Love!

(1Cor13) How God loves us, how we are to love ourselves, and how we are to love others.


Hmmmmm. What do you think of liars, cheaters, adulters, fornacators, drunkards, drugaddicts, ect ect... Sin is sin in God's eyes.. If you are gonna pick just one sin you had better pick them all because in God's eyes they there is no little or big sin.. Ok I will shut up now I have said my piece.


*sigh* it seems nomatter where I go there is always a thread on homosexuality, and it usually ends up being the most hotly contested, longest, and most thriving thread in the bunch.
Yup. I think it's because this is issue is the thorn in the side of Christianity right now. It's kind of like how in the mid-19th century they were divided over the issue of slavery. My own church (as in denomination not parish) is deeply divided over this. In the case of slavery the more progressive side (the Abolitionists) had the stronger Biblical arguement (which was found in Exodus). In the case ordination of women, there's scripture on both sides. But in this case, those who fancy themselves progressive don't really have any scripture to suggest that God blesses same sex unions, but rather the Biblical arguements I keep hearing them use (granted I have not heard every last one of them, so I need to be careful about making generalizations) is that we just need to love and accept them. But the question I must ask is if we tell them God blesses something that He does not, is that really loving them???? I keep coming back to the leader of my college and career group, Cathy, was ministering to a friend who's marriage had really hit hard times. To my matters worse, both she and her husband were interesting in other people. Well, Cathy was there for her friend to listen to all that she was going through (and Cathy's husband was there for this woman's husband) but she stubbornly kept telling her, that God was NOT willing for her to leave her husband for another man. Well, the couple eventually reconciled and things started to look up for them. They now thank Cathy and her husband for encouraging them to stick to the Word of God and not feeding them the "God just wants you to be happy" line.

I dont believe youa re BORN gay, why? Because God made you, and to God homosexuality is an abomination....and the bible clearly says that we are made in the image of God, and "a house divided cannot stand" therefore you CANNOT be born gay because if that were true you would be BORN an abomination and since you are the image of God God would have to be an abomination.....which is impossible!!!!
It seems to me that you're failing to make the distinction between orientation and practice, the latter being a sin and former not being a sin. I'm attracted to men born in the early 1980s, always have been, does that make it a sin? No, lusting is a sin. I do not choose what sex I'm attracted to, but I do choose not to lust and to live celebate. But what bothers me is when Christians suggest that if one had the orientation that is enough to make them an abomination. Maybe that's why, when Gus Van Sant accepting his Academy Award that he told all the gay young people out there that God loves them. I guess somewhere in his life he was told that being gay means he wasn't loved by God. It's easy for us to say this is something they became rather than the way that the way they were born, but that isn't the way they see it. This is probably why so many of them think that the Gospel doesn't have any good news for them.

Furthermore, it's my perception that too many non-gay non-Christians see our stance on homosexuality as xenophobia. And I believe that if xenophobia was not an issue, Christians would take the same stance against adultery as they do against same sex marriage.

Lastly, I think it's dangerous to make assumptions about what God does and does not do. I can say that I don't understand why so many people say they were born with a homosexual orientation if we know that the Bible makes it clear that God does not bless same sex relationships. But, I also don't understand why there are children (though very rare) who are born with ambiguous genitalia (yes that does happen, even though information on it on the Mayo Clinic's website does not say how common it is) if we are taught that God makes us either male or female. But, I also don't know why so many isolated populations suffered diseases when they were exposed to microbes brought to them by missionaries. That tops the list of questions I'd like to ask God. But, despite all that we don't understand, we are told not to lead on our own understanding.
Apr 3, 2009
ok here is my input if not allready
1 corinthians 6: 9-11
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

so i think if like alot of ppl do, talkl about gays dont leave out the rest, also if you dont forgive you will go hell, as "forgive us as we forgive those."
there is also if your goingto be a stumbling block to other christians as said in 1 corinthians.
but on that note those that are outside the church God will judge, its not up to us.


That is about the best way to phrase it. If anyone I work with is a homosexual; I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT.If they tell me they are homosexual, I will tell them I find that lifestyle discusting and an abmonation to the Lord. If they don't like hearing it, they will have thier chance to take it up with him come their day of Judgement. Is that the truth? YES! Is it politically correct? Who Cares?!? Right is right and wrong is wrong and a sin is a sin

Yes, sin is sin, and we should be unwavering in our conviction about that, but I think you are forgetting about what Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:24-26 on how to approach those who believe and practice things outside of biblical truth:

"And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will."
Apr 8, 2009

The unfortunate existence of Hermaphrodites does not address the issue of Homosexuality. That being the case your statement is false. A hermaphrodite is an unfortunate congenital birth DEFECT. Homosexuality is about desire and behavior.
Actually, hermaphrodites make your statement wrong because you said that we are male and female. I was pointing out that that is not always the case. I wasn't saying you were wrong because of anything to do with homosexuality. It's funny to me that you call hermaphrodites a birth defect, yet homosexuality isn't. Could this be because you don't need a microscope to tell if someone is a hermaphrodite? Essentially what you're saying is that if it's something you can't see with the naked eye, then it isn't natural. You probably wouldn't know how to use a microscope if it was right in front of you. Homosexuality is genetic. This is a fact. I have already given examples of other species where this sort of behavior is exhibited. If you can't accept that then that is your prerogative, but the evidence doesn't change based on your willfull ignorance. Also homosexuality has nothing to do with behavior. You can be homosexual and still not do things considered as such. So you're wrong about that too.

I agree that this is why a "gay gene" is pretty much impossible.
All of the top scientists in the world would disagree with you. I find it fascinating that you would have some greater insight and feel that you are more qualified to speak into this topic than them. I guess their years of schooling was all for nothing since we could all just listen to you. It is apparent to me that you are quite arrogant.

Not all gay people just have gay sex. There are many people who are gay that are married and have children. This is why it is not "impossible" as you seem to think. The reason these gay people even get married is because of people like you who show your anti-homosexual ignorance. If you are really interested in the topic, then you should do just an iota of research, otherwise just don't talk about stuff for which you know nothing about. Your opinion is not fact. Only arrogant people think this way.

I also dont believe in gay marriage, and if anyone asks me that question I tell them flat out that there is no such thing. Marriage is an institution established by GOD, between a man and a woman....therefore Gay marriage does not exist.
You also don't know what you are talking about. Marriage has been around much before the bible was even written. It has nothing to do with god and was established by people.


You also don't know what you are talking about. Marriage has been around much before the bible was even written. It has nothing to do with god and was established by people.
You don't know what you're talking about. Marriage started in the Garden. Not before.
Apr 8, 2009
Please provide the verse that shows that marriage started in the garden. If you can't, then I'd prefer you not to respond to me anymore.
Apr 8, 2009
Also, genesis 2:24 talks about for adam and eve but it doesnt mention anthing about the ceremony of marriage.


Please provide the verse that shows that marriage started in the garden. If you can't, then I'd prefer you not to respond to me anymore.
Ah I wasted my time, he got banned for his heretical views.


Maybe if we just take it a step at a time instead bombarding Homo's with scriptures and all this stuff then they might actually change.
Cuzz 1st off most homo's who arent Christians dont like us bc they feel judged by us,they think God will judge them, they feel uncomfortable,
they think we think we are better than them bc of how we act,and they hate the bible bc it says that what they do is an abomination.
A lot of them dont even want to step foot in a church bc they would feel hated. If we just treat them like humans instead of some kind of species
then they would probably be more open to what we have to say. They already know that they are the minority so why make them feel even worse
by shoving a bunch of scriptures in there faces. Once their minds are made up on what they do its probably hard for them to turn back esp. considering that the devil will also try to completely take over. But with God anything can happen and making them feel worse by preaching to them with scriptures probably isnt going to make them become straight it just might make hate us Christians even more and turn further away.


Maybe if we just take it a step at a time instead bombarding Homo's with scriptures and all this stuff then they might actually change.
Cuzz 1st off most homo's who arent Christians dont like us bc they feel judged by us,they think God will judge them, they feel uncomfortable,
they think we think we are better than them bc of how we act,and they hate the bible bc it says that what they do is an abomination.
A lot of them dont even want to step foot in a church bc they would feel hated. If we just treat them like humans instead of some kind of species
then they would probably be more open to what we have to say. They already know that they are the minority so why make them feel even worse
by shoving a bunch of scriptures in there faces. Once their minds are made up on what they do its probably hard for them to turn back esp. considering that the devil will also try to completely take over. But with God anything can happen and making them feel worse by preaching to them with scriptures probably isnt going to make them become straight it just might make hate us Christians even more and turn further away.
If they reject the scriptures they reject God not us. I agree with you though, people shouldn't he hateful, but we must preach the truth, howbeit in love. 1 Cor. 13:13


yeah I understand about the sharing what God says thing yeah yeah...
But u know how when your ministering to ppl sometimes they need someone who talks plain and simple sometimes they dont need all the fancy words.
Thats y God calls all different ppl to the missions field. Not just preachy-scripture type ppl. Bc sometimes the simplest words can turn someones life around.
All that stuff can sometimes overwhelm ppl.


yeah I understand about the sharing what God says thing yeah yeah...
But u know how when your ministering to ppl sometimes they need someone who talks plain and simple sometimes they dont need all the fancy words.
Thats y God calls all different ppl to the missions field. Not just preachy-scripture type ppl. Bc sometimes the simplest words can turn someones life around.
Yeah, the gospel is simple. It doesn't take a theologian... Jesus loves me this I know, for my Bible tells me so... or however it goes.. :D


hmm yeah some peeps may say its simple now but then when they actually get a chance to talk to a homo they wont be saying that..


hmm yeah some peeps may say its simple now but then when they actually get a chance to talk to a homo they wont be saying that..
I've had a few gay friends... Usually they'd quit talking to me when they knew where I stood on homosexuality, not because of ''preaching'' to them. Being judgmental works both ways with the homosexual community.


Some peeps are different though..Esp the homosexuals I know..
I mean they already know that we think what they're doing is wrong they're not stupid.
Reminding them isnt really necessary.


Some peeps are different though..Esp the homosexuals I know..
I mean they already know that we think what they're doing is wrong they're not stupid.
Reminding them isnt really necessary.

12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! 16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? 17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:12-17 (KJV)
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