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  1. duewell

    a grand illusion of conspiracy...

    born again christian here. before i asked Jesus for help i knew nothing. thought i would point something out that most people seem to be missing when it comes to abortion. back in rome and eygpt people would go to the high priest of false gods and offer up their children as sacrifice in...
  2. duewell

    the book of mark parables

    there was a discussion in the bible study chat room about parables in the book of mark, chapter 4. i think of these like the posters that used to be sold that were 3-d pictures. they didn't really look like anything and you had to look at them for a bit or in a certain way before you could see...
  3. duewell


    i was taught about the bible until i was 11 years old in 1983. from then until 2009 i didn't read the bible or practice it. quite the opposite actually. in 2009 i wrote a confession and asked Jesus for help. i began to experience things i could only call supernatural at the time. with my...
  4. duewell

    astronomical holidays

    every major holiday we celebrate are also the day of astronomical events. solistice, equinox, and the half way points between them are all holidays. these days are, Groundhog Day (Feb. 2nd), May Day (May 1st), Lammas Day (Aug. 1st), and Halloween (Oct. 31st). Christmas and Easter are solstice...
  5. duewell

    physical vs spiritual

    could some mental problems be spiritual, instead of being physicall? if i told you i am heard voices and the t.v. is talked to me, what would you say? if i told you i heard voices and a burning bush talked to me,what would you say? when i read the bible, i ask, are all these people...