This is what Jesus was implying, yes. But I get the impression it will be pretty nasty all around. Weeping, wailing, fire, sulphur, and gnashing of teeth. Something to be avoided by all accounts.
The Quran mentions Doomsday and describes what will happen during that time.
Below are some descriptions from Quran :
"All that is on earth will perish; only the Face of your Lord, full of majesty and honor, will remain."
"O mankind! fear your Lord! for the convulsion of the Hour (of Judgment) will be a thing terrible"
"When the earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion,
And the earth throws up her burdens (from within),
On that Day, people will come forward in separate groups to be shown their deeds,
whoever has done an atom’s-weight of good will see it,
but whoever has done an atom’s-weight of evil will see that."
"When the sky is torn apart,
when the stars are scattered,
when the seas burst forth,
when graves turn inside out:
Then, each soul will know what it has done and what it has left undone."
"the Day man will flee from his own brother,
And from his mother and his father,
And from his wife and his children.
Each one of them, that Day, will have enough concern (of his own) to make him indifferent to the others.
on that Day some faces will be beaming,
laughing, and rejoicing,
And other faces that Day will be dust-stained,
Blackness will cover them"
"The Day you shall see it, every mother giving suck shall forget her suckling-babe, and every pregnant female shall drop her load (unformed), you will think people are drunk when they are not drunk but dreadful will be the Wrath of Allah."
"Do not think that God is unaware of what the disbelievers do, He only gives them respite until a Day when their eyes will stare in terror."
By the way, I apologise for some of the disrespectful comments made by others. Jesus actually commands us to treat others with gentleness and respect. So these ones who treat you this way are actually defying the commands of their own Lord.
You don’t need to apologize for what others have done.
By the way, the Quran also teaches Muslims that "No soul shall bear the burden of another."
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