For those that think everything is scripted and we’re robots then I agree scripture goes against scripture.
For those like myself who think He gave us a certain level of autonomy to choose as a sign of His sovereignty then I fully disagree. He wants all to be saved; we choose which gate to enter.
Him providing us a level of autonomy reaffirms His
eternal quality of omnipotence, since it doesn’t depend on any condition. His sovereignty (providential) is not an enternal quality, but temporal, because creation
needs to exist first for it to be true. Calvinism has it backwards, using temporal to justify an eternal quality. He causes people to sin to bring about His glory

yeah right John Calvin and John Piper
Nothing is scripted; God doesn’t cause people to sin (James 1:13). It even says some sin doesn’t even cross His mind (Jeremiah 32:35)
He does not clean up His own mess, like some state.