I have made note several times now, that those in the cessationist camp become hostile and verbally abusive.
I'm not the only one noticing this as observed by Peaceful Warrior
This is not a passing observance. I have seen this happening since I joined this forum and it is almost always the same people who LOOK for a way to demean and basically sneer at those who speak in tongues. I don't know their attitude regarding the other gifts, but if you sneer at tongues, I don't understand how you think God is going to bless you with any other gift as one and the same HOLY SPIRIT is responsible for dispensing EACH AND EVERY SINGLE one according to the will of God
Perhaps this may explain the dryness in some churches where the Holy Spirit has become an it rather than THE Helper sent by God to empower His children to both live and witness for Him
Perhaps this may explain the hostility of those who fancy themselves teachers because they love the praises of men and so fullfill their pride and ego with a cheering section ordained by others as spiritless as themselvs
You cannot separate the Spirit of God from the Bible and breath life into anyone. God gives life and that by His Spirit...and He does so in any and every language!
I Agree In some cases.
But from my perspective, the tongues people get a pass with passive aggressiveness.
~~~ I have yet to see someone who doesn't believe in tongues, imply or state that tongues believers are unsaved.~~~~
If it isn't implied or stated that we are unsaved, we get this.............
1. God probably won't bless you.
2.your Christian walk is "dry"
3.you can't really live or witness for Him.
4.you are hostile.
5.you love the praises of men.
6.you are fulfilling your pride and ego.
7.you want a cheering section.
8. you are spiritless.
9 you have separated the Spirit from the bible.
10. you are basically impotent.
This is just from your post. I know its not exactly what you wrote. But it is how I take it.