Thank you, e-g, for giving a direct answer
to my question from post #997.
You know, there were quite a number of ppl
debating on this thread, and I don't know if anyone
got any satisfaction, or if anyone changed their views
after hearing an opposing side, but there were at least
a half-dozen ppl being very opinionated,
and things got pretty heated, but out of those ppl,
you were the only one who answered my simple
questions directly, so thank you so much for that.
I saw a couple of our beautiful sisters also contributed,
one response was so moving it should be given
a place of honor, just so great.
Another was very heartfelt, though it addressed
a slightly different issue, but still really moving,
and at least there were a few ppl
that cared enough to connect without arguing,
and yet they weren't even part of the big debate
for the most part, but thanks to them sincerely.
Another added some good cheer,
and another quoted some scripture
(which I'm not sure was the point of,
and didn't answer the q), but those are always
welcome things, but so far, only one direct answer,
from all the experts who were so
strong on their stances only a day ago.
It's just questions, not a finals exam.
I was just wondering ppls views
re: the OP's suggestion,
so the q in post #997 is still open.
As I went to submit this, I noticed a few more posts
added, so please don't take my above words personally
to yourself, I'm really grateful for replies, because I know
all too well what it feels like to be ignored at length.....
I don't know of much else that hurts worse...
ridicule, rejection and then being ignored, may do more
damage than just about anything in life, and I'm more
familiar with them than most other things, so it's easy
to fall into, and remain, in the thinking
that that's what I deserve and should expect in life.
That's why the whole OSAS debate is so important
to me. If Jesus doesn't save me, and save me completely,
I'm pretty well certain not to make it, because if it's in any
way dependent on me, I'm sure to fail miserably, like most
have told me I would, and I always felt like that anyway.
Lastly, it's why I really don't like the excessive
use of the 'ignore' button. Christians should be
different from the rest if the world in that regard.
We should be using every opportunity to exercise
forgiveness, reconciliation, peace and love.
I understand if it's a dangerous situation, okay,
other than that, it should be an absolute last resort,
or really not at all.
It's just not christian to treat
someone like that, if someone's trying
to communicate
with you, do whatever you can to reason together.....
If after all attempts by both parties have been exhausted,
you may have to not pay attention to them for a while,
but keep the possibility to reconcile open.
Ignoring someone makes that impossible.
Yes, it's hard sometimes, but that ignore thing
gets tossed around with pride, way too easily.
Freely we have received, we should freely give.
Let brotherly, and {{{sisterly ♡}}}, love continue.
God bless you in His grace today.
(and hey, I'm only a mistake-prone person, so
please don't take anything I say too seriously,
or in a negative way).
I mean no harm or judgement,
and maybe I'm just a little down right now.
I'll probably be back to happily, but unintentionally,
offending before long.
Help me, Jesus save me, Lord.