Scripture says none seek Him. Romans 3:11
Of course God saw before hand. God inhabits eternity. To state that because God saw that God orchestrates is a false conclusion. Gods sovereign will allows for a permissive will without conflict that is true sovereignty .
For the cause of Christ
Joshua 24:15
Verse Concepts
"If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
I agree. God would know for whom His doctrine of grace would resonate. He knew people would respond to the invitation of reconcilliation, which is why He extended His grace to the world. What the Unconditional Election proponents argue is that man was simply malliable clay that was created to be damned, totally immoral, yet was pre-selected by that same creator to become what that creator wanted them to be.
And conversely, of course, that same creator pre-selected whom he would let go to the Hell he opened to receive them, with the foreknowledge of that population by name as well.
That is why faith, as defined by UE is not actually faith but manipulation and programming of a vessel that was first made unable to hold faith or come to righteousness or to demonstrate morality at all as themselves.
Therefore with that deficit in place anything of a positive nature would have to be God's doing entirely. Because the creature He pre-selected was made incapable in and of themselves. Picture puppet on a string. And a funnel that feeds into that puppets head understanding as its creator now wills for it.
It doesn't come to faith on its own because it is incapable. It is brought into grace not by hearing the word that we're told shall set us free, but by its creator taking it from one state of immoral bondage into one that is deemed elect bondage. Still though, that creature is not capable of anything its creator does not allow or install.
Were that actually able to be supported by scripture, were it able to actually be in harmony with the Gospels, the words, whosoever believeth, because it doesn't say, the elect that are led unto belief, would not have cause to be inspired by God unto us. No words pertaining to faith or choice would.
But they do.