Nobody PM'd me for support. If you bothered to look, I am a long time member, 9 years coming up in Jan. I have over 10,000 posts, so no, not a first impression. I've been around a long time! You'd have to go back to 2011 to find an introduction. Pretty much everyone knows who I am, although I have been too busy lately to do much more than pop in and out.
You are the newbie! You've been here less than 2 months, and think you know your way around?
Like, just because you started a thread, it does NOT make it yours. This is an open forum, once you post the OP, it belongs to every member, not just you! Although you keep copy and pasting the same thing over and over to prove your point, which is unwarranted.
I read this thread, every post from the OP to the end. But your long, copied & pasted from?? They just didn't stop. No one reads copy and pastes that go on forever, not even you to delete unnecessary things in the original source.
And speaking of sources, you need to put a link, and probably an author. And stop confirming your rigid biases, by googling your warped theology. Try reading both sides of an issue, from people who believe in what they are talking about. Do some research. Draw your own conclusions. Even if you don't change your viewpoint, you will understand the issue much better than trying to google quick evidence from other people who do not hold to the other viewpoint.
Oh, and welcome to CC!
You are the newbie! You've been here less than 2 months, and think you know your way around?
Like, just because you started a thread, it does NOT make it yours. This is an open forum, once you post the OP, it belongs to every member, not just you! Although you keep copy and pasting the same thing over and over to prove your point, which is unwarranted.
I read this thread, every post from the OP to the end. But your long, copied & pasted from?? They just didn't stop. No one reads copy and pastes that go on forever, not even you to delete unnecessary things in the original source.
And speaking of sources, you need to put a link, and probably an author. And stop confirming your rigid biases, by googling your warped theology. Try reading both sides of an issue, from people who believe in what they are talking about. Do some research. Draw your own conclusions. Even if you don't change your viewpoint, you will understand the issue much better than trying to google quick evidence from other people who do not hold to the other viewpoint.
Oh, and welcome to CC!
What I meant when speaking of your first impression was in your first post to me. And after this thread had garnered more than a dozen pages of dialog. Your tone was similar in scope to those one's that are purposed to offend and even laugh at the subject matter without posting a cogent conciliatory or civil response.
This is why I thought you had been invited to continue where they were cut off due to my choosing not to encourage their behaviors further.
If I am mistaken, that you were invited on their behalf, I sincerely apologize and ask your forgiveness of my presumption.
I wil say that what you've posted above: "And speaking of sources, you need to put a link, and probably an author. And stop confirming your rigid biases, by googling your warped theology."
Is not only a false charge to be sure, as I have never omitted a source link in this thread nor in any thread wherein I have elected to participate. Nor have I edited out what was contained in the intellectual properties of those resources I shared, not once. I have, for brevity, excerpted parts of articles from those resources linked. That is perfectly in keeping with forum etiquette.
I will say your remarks as pertains to the, "warped theology" charge is uncalled for and beneath someone who imagines their spirituality is superior to those they contend with. If you are Calvinist, which is the topic under discussion here, or otherwise a member of a reformed congregation, I believe we can agree to disagree without being rude to one another and or resorting to personal attacks as I have not done anything that would warrant such language. Someone who says they have a Master's in Divinity should consider their words more carefully so as not to appear coarse in their remarks. If you are secure in your position you can be civil toward those who do not share your perceptions. Vulgarity does not make your position more secure nor does it insure it to be correct.
Upon reflection of your post I would hope you can agree . If not, and you feel you will only proceed as you have thus far, we can agree to not discuss these matters together further. I do not deserve rude behavior as I do not behave as such. And I find it offensive and a violation in the offender who should if in Christ have the peace of Christ within.
God Bless.