I have to respectfully disagree and find that your words are contradictory here, "there is no Jew or Gentile", right after you write, "They are still God's covenant people", they do not mesh. Was there not a "new covenant" made? The coming judgement written about was coming on the covenant breakers, and it came for them just like Jesus said it would. That covenant was ended with the destruction of everything they needed for their end of it. I know these next words are going to seem harsh, but it's the truth. Separating the Jew into some separate category as if Gods set them aside into some side class that doesn't need Jesus is hating the Jew strait up. No, they need Jesus just like everybody else on the planet now. This twisted doctrine putting the 70 ad judgement in the future causes this, causes people to
have to think He is saving them like this for the future end. Guess what? They already did, this happen back then, and it was Jews that announced His kingdom come, it was also Jews that recorded all these events so we have them today. ANYONE who denies the Son denies the Father, period. Even Israel now. The Son calls ALL too Himself, just like you said there is no Jew or Gentile anymore, that AGE has ended and ALL Gods children are in and under the beautiful name of our Lord Jesus THE Christ. I plea for all Israelis, Jews, gentiles,
all to come bow to their true King, the Savior of all, Jesus!!!! Man I love God!