Wheat is the church - children of the kingdom.
Tares are unbelievers - children of the devil
K... but in my view you have overlooked a step...
As I see it,
by comparing Scripture with Scripture, the student of the Word can also see the following:
Matt8:[11-]12 - [
plz read also verse 11!

and its parallel verse]
12 But
the children [G5207] of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
parallel to all of the
"weeping [/wailing--same Grk word]
and gnashing of teeth" passages:
example - Matt24:
vv.43-51), and
its parallel passage in Lk12:
esp. v.46 "
and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers"]
OTOH, it is simply
not the case that any member of "the Church which is His body" will ever have its destination as there described ^
[see again my posts on
1Th5:10[6] "[...]
IN ORDER THAT whether we might
WATCH [G1127] or whether we might
SLEEP [G2518 (<--
not the one used in chpt 4!); same two Grk words as
used in v.6 of THIS VERY CONTEXT], we should live together
WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with / IDENTIFIED-with] Him." [
completely DISTINCT from what passages are conveying in the Olivet Discourse and its parallels, esp with regard to the word
"WATCH [G1127]" ^ ]
Blurring these all together,
as though 1Th5:10[6] is expressing
nothing whatsoever distinct from what passages in the Olivet Discourse (and its parallels) are conveying, brings the reader to one big mish-mash of mush, when it comes to "understanding" (let alone, being far afield from "
correctly apportioning the word of truth" as we are called to do)
Matthew 13:38
38The field is the world; the good seed are
the children [G5207] of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked
Yes brothers and sisters - there is a way! Just let the Bible say what it really actually says instead of twisting the meaning into the contrary...
@GaryA , what do you believe the verses I pointed out in the above half of this post ^ are saying (if you can gather what my "explanations" are, in this post... hopefully = ) )
If you come to a different conclusion than I have, on the above-mentioned verses, could you please explain *your* understanding of them? Thanks! = )