Free2grace, Wansvic, 2Timothy,
Understanding all these things has been so stressful for so many years to try to find what really is the truth.
From experience with 100% certainty just cause someone believes does not mean they have the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is given always supernatural things occur. I met so many that did nothing and did not believe and God irresistably came and they experienced the things just like ACTS Holy Ghost experiences. Or they were led out of nowhere to get prayed for or baptize etc. No matter what the method, it only happens if its God. They all experienced supernatural things and it changed them, they did not choose belief or change themself. It sounds crazy that God controls but as 2Timothy says, if a man’s work or choice preserves himself then it’s not a gift from God that He takes 100% credit.
As 2Timothy said He keeps these mysteries unawares to the world. That’s why the scripture is mish mash of contradictions and confusion no one can agree on 😭. Instead of the truth being so evident and simple a child can see or that all can agree, it’s conflict of what is true all in Christianity and the world. It really crushes me inside because no one has any idea the real truth. And that the truth is predetermined and totally not good for vast majority of humans without their choice. And so christisnity as a whole is everywhere in their beliefs.
Only a tiny percent actually experience God Holy Spirit like Paul prayed over people. At churches you will never see the power of Holy Spirit like 99% of the time.
How can people think they have the Holy Spirit if they did not experience the things those in the Bible experienced? Why is it so few experience the Holy Spirit despite millions believers and those tryin to live for God?
No matter if it’s belief, prayer, baptism, repent, Holy Spirit only comes when God chooses. No act of man has any say. If a man believes or gets baptized or tries to repent, unless God does it and chose it then it doesn’t count 😭. That’s what Christians can’t see and it was absolute pain me seeking and seeing and shown by those who experienced God and others who were taken to hell and heaven and dreams/visions and revelations of endtimes and afterlife. It’s nothing like mainstream Christians think 😭. It’s not good at all for vast majority humans born. Cause if they are exposed to hope of God and knowkedge of hell or heaven and made to think they can choose, in reality they can’t. It’s predetermined for everyone 😭. I wanted God, love, the Holy Spirit and salvation so bad like as if every day was my last.
Even scientists and mathematicians found the only reality can be that we are in a simulation. Like a movie played out by a controller. They just don’t know that controller is God.
I realized there is a difference between those who experienced what those in bible did with supernatural things and all those in church who believe in their mind they have Holy Spirit but in reality never experienced the power that is required and only way to be changed acceptably to God.
And it’s so painful because all a person can do if God does not reveal himself or come to them is try to learn about God and believe and do what they can to understand and follow. If God won’t give the Holy Spirit to humans that do that when that’s all the power they have been given to choose and act, then is that all loving?
Understanding all these things has been so stressful for so many years to try to find what really is the truth.
From experience with 100% certainty just cause someone believes does not mean they have the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is given always supernatural things occur. I met so many that did nothing and did not believe and God irresistably came and they experienced the things just like ACTS Holy Ghost experiences. Or they were led out of nowhere to get prayed for or baptize etc. No matter what the method, it only happens if its God. They all experienced supernatural things and it changed them, they did not choose belief or change themself. It sounds crazy that God controls but as 2Timothy says, if a man’s work or choice preserves himself then it’s not a gift from God that He takes 100% credit.
As 2Timothy said He keeps these mysteries unawares to the world. That’s why the scripture is mish mash of contradictions and confusion no one can agree on 😭. Instead of the truth being so evident and simple a child can see or that all can agree, it’s conflict of what is true all in Christianity and the world. It really crushes me inside because no one has any idea the real truth. And that the truth is predetermined and totally not good for vast majority of humans without their choice. And so christisnity as a whole is everywhere in their beliefs.
Only a tiny percent actually experience God Holy Spirit like Paul prayed over people. At churches you will never see the power of Holy Spirit like 99% of the time.
How can people think they have the Holy Spirit if they did not experience the things those in the Bible experienced? Why is it so few experience the Holy Spirit despite millions believers and those tryin to live for God?
No matter if it’s belief, prayer, baptism, repent, Holy Spirit only comes when God chooses. No act of man has any say. If a man believes or gets baptized or tries to repent, unless God does it and chose it then it doesn’t count 😭. That’s what Christians can’t see and it was absolute pain me seeking and seeing and shown by those who experienced God and others who were taken to hell and heaven and dreams/visions and revelations of endtimes and afterlife. It’s nothing like mainstream Christians think 😭. It’s not good at all for vast majority humans born. Cause if they are exposed to hope of God and knowkedge of hell or heaven and made to think they can choose, in reality they can’t. It’s predetermined for everyone 😭. I wanted God, love, the Holy Spirit and salvation so bad like as if every day was my last.
Even scientists and mathematicians found the only reality can be that we are in a simulation. Like a movie played out by a controller. They just don’t know that controller is God.
I realized there is a difference between those who experienced what those in bible did with supernatural things and all those in church who believe in their mind they have Holy Spirit but in reality never experienced the power that is required and only way to be changed acceptably to God.
And it’s so painful because all a person can do if God does not reveal himself or come to them is try to learn about God and believe and do what they can to understand and follow. If God won’t give the Holy Spirit to humans that do that when that’s all the power they have been given to choose and act, then is that all loving?
Gibson you say that you are unsure of your spiritual status
how then, can you post in a way that seems to suggest otherwise?
or perhaps you would like to clarify your belief?
When a person accepts Christ, they are sealed with the Holy Spirit. people are confused about what comes after that it would seem
you can be saved and not speak in tongues. you can be saved and not water baptized.
ONLY way to be saved is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as having died in your place for the forgiveness of sins and He is the only way to God. Salvation in Christ is through faith...or belief in Him and what He has done so that those who call upon Him and trust in Him for their salvation, may come to God and know they are forgiven through the sinless blood of Jesus
baptism in water follows and a believer should be baptized but not because someone told them to do so, but because their faith is genuine and they know the Holy Spirit is directing them that way.
works or good works do not save anyone.
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