This subject has been done to death here. smh I was in ministry for many years, but it was a traveling ministry. In my travels I saw many churches that were totally run by women, except for the pastor. I found your comment interesting "it was solely the poor spiritual state of the men and people in general that caused God to raise up a woman as their leader." In these places where there is a lack of men to lead for whatever reason, I've had men tell me that the church should be closed rather than have a female pastor. Interested on your take of that situation.
These prideful jerks are wrong.
Communities are what they are. Just because they don't want to admit their lack that God has clearly signalled doesn't mean that the truth isn't the truth.
It's the same thing as getting people to admit that they are wrong... especially
after they have become Believers. Nevermind the fact that the only way to become a Christian is to admit that they are wrong...they do it once and never again.
One of the two prophets that greeted Jesus at the Temple when he was getting dedicated (circumcised and formally named and recorded and sacrifices made) was actually a prophetess. (Anna). And that is indicative of God's plans.
Also you have Sapphira....she was held to the same standard/punishment as her husband Ananias... also indicative that she was as much of a leader as her husband. (Although in a secondary position of leadership to him)
We have communities that are worthy of women leadership and needing to grow up. It's a signal created by God that a LOT of repenting is needed.
The worst is when it gets to child leadership... Remember the 8 year old king in the Old Testament?
Then following that it begins to get really really bad if things don't improve.
But the truth is that God is warning us...we, as people, don't like to hear what God is saying. We conveniently don't hear or claim to understand what is being screamed at us... especially if it hurts our outrageous pride.
Closing a church instead of following female leadership is proof that the condition is as bad as it gets. Maybe worse. And the men saying it are leading them down to Hell.