and women were not, as a general rule as opposed to the situation in the church in Corinth which had myriad problems. told to be seen and not heard. ever
justbyfaith, post: 4686510, member: 310696"]That is not a biblical statement.
and that ^^^ is a silly non sequitur
Give chapter and verse where women prophesied in the context of a church service, apart from the symbol being present that there was authority over them in the men who were present.
funny thing that. there are actually no recorded 'church' services in the Bible. why don't you give an example where women were told to shut up when they prophesied.
In context, it is referring to a woman teaching or usurping authority over a man.
what does the word usurp mean? another funny thing, are all the men usurping authority from the Holy Spirit and changing what scripture actually states. hmmmmm?
Paul said that if anyone is contentious about the propriety in worship thing, that he had no such custom, as to head coverings, and that neither did the churches of God.
he said a gobsmack of other things too, including about speaking in tongues, but you don't believe that either. there's that narrow brush of yours again
Iow, it was not a custom (it was not merely a cultural observance).
well you know about those...seeing all those customs in your own church wherein you rule rather than the Holy Spirit
In fact, Paul refers to the order of creation (in 1 Corinthians 11:10) when he speaks of this propriety.
again, don't quote Paul when you agree with him and then turn around and say this, that and something else is not for today.
So, there is something eternal to this ordinance of holy scripture. For it is written in the timeless word of God.
hmmm. well you believe only what you want there's that. good thing you remind the rest of us though