Ad 33. The end of the 69th week
You still have one week left, when did that happen?
You still have one week left, when did that happen?
v. 24 has the 70 weeks and it's the only place 70 weeks are mentioned. v. 24 lists items found in the Law thus the angel is, in a round about way, telling them how much longer they had under the Rabbinical system. Since this system was uniquely Jewish, it makes sense that the Jewish calendar was used. The math takes us to 32 AD, the last year animal sacrifices would be accepted. After the Cross the following year, the curtain was torn and the Rabbinical system was no longer recognized. This completes the lesson for the 70 weeks.
Quoting the Talmud, “Our Rabbis taught: During the last forty years before the destruction of the Temple the lot ‘for the Lord’ did not come up in the right hand; nor did the crimson-colored string [suspended in the Temple to show the acceptance of the pascal sacrifice] become white." According to Jewish tradition the scarlet cloth that was tied around horn of the scapegoat was said to turn white as a miraculous sign that the sacrifice for sin made by the other goat that was sacrificed was accepted by God. Thus the 70 weeks of v. 24 were complete.
v. 25-26 contains the 7 and 62 weeks. A totally different topic is in view, that being the Messiah, rather than the Law of v. 24. Whereas the Law was strictly Jewish, the Messiah was for the whole world. Why the angel breaks out 7 from the 62 is a mystery to me. Regardless, we are now just dealing with 69 weeks of years. As Bill Belichick would say, "We are on to Cincinnati." We aren't talking about the Law and the 70 weeks anymore. We are instead talking about the Messiah. Since Messiah was for the whole world, we use the world's solar calendar.
Regardless, no matter how you do the math, we get to the 25-36 AD time frame. We certainly don't get to 2019 AD.
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