When does eating become gluttony? You are your own liquor control board.
Gluttony is wrong clearly. But gluttony really just hurts you and your health. Alcohol has torn marriages and families apart. Endless people have been killed by drunk drivers. I have seen it do so much damage in my own family. It just a path I don't see a reason to go down.
My cousin fell away from church, he married a woman that drinks and before long he was following her. He went to visit his sister and her husband. She told me that they brought alcohol on their visit. The whole time her brother was there, they had something to drink when they ate. After her brother left there was alcohol left over. So they continued to drink. She said after a while she noticed when the kids began to get to her, she would drink. If her husband had a hard day at work, take a drink. One night they were having an upset and reached for a drink. She said her hubby looked at her and she said " Is this what we want to teach our children? That drink is the way to cope with issues?" They agreed it wasn't. They poured the alcohol down the sink and stopped drinking. I just don't see any good argument for alcohol as a Christian. I see no benefit in it. If you're not drinking to get a buzz, why drink? Maybe I'm missing something...
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