The problem with the dispensational "literal" approach is failure to understand the nature of prophetic hyperbole to describe tumultuous events.
Nah, I've already pointed out the way it's used in Daniel 8:10 (granted, some pre-tribbers might take some things overly-literally when they shouldn't, but not all pre-tribbers [or Premills]); I think the greater problem lies with Amill-teachings and Preterist-teachings that disregard "chronology" and the SEQUENCE issues (I've tried pointing out)... see the bottom two paragraphs of the following post I made awhile back (pertaining to the SEQUENCE issues of Matthew 22:7 and Matthew 22:8, in particular):
[quoting that post]
[re: Palm Sunday fulfillment of the 69 Weeks] that was
the very day that:
--Jesus spoke the words of Luke 19:41-44 ("he beheld
the city, and wept over it, Saying, 'If
thou hadst known, even
thou, at least in this
thy day, the things which belong unto
thy peace! but now they are hid from
thine eyes. [...]"); and
--Jesus did the action of Zechariah 9:9 ("
thy King cometh
unto thee" [unto Jerusalem /
the city (see Dan9:24-"Seventy Weeks are determined upon thy [Daniel's] people,
and upon thy [Daniel's]
holy city...")]); and
--thus also fulfilling Exodus 12:2,3,5,6 ("In the tenth day of this month" ["the first month of the year
to you"], "ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.") This fulfills the "be cut off" ("and after 62 Week shall he be cut off, but not for himself [or, and have nothing]" Dan9:26
a [note: this verse has SEQUENTIAL THINGS in it, followed by the SEQUENTIAL THINGS in v.27a/b/c!])
The next thing in the
SEQUENCE ^ was not the 70th Week, but the "shall destroy the city and the sanctuary" (also Dan9:26, here 26b+; i.e.
the 70ad events).
And we know from the preceding lessons (
) that
the 70ad events must take place "BEFORE all these [BEFORE all of the BEGINNING of birth PANG
S (PLURAL; Matt24:4-8/Mk13:5-8/Lk21:8-11; again see that in verse 12 "BUT
BEFORE all these BEGINNING of birth PANGS (which commence [as BEING-->]"the SEALS"])];
...and we can therefore see what the INITIAL "birth PANG [SINGULAR]" consists of: Matt24:
5 "G5100 -
tis - '
A CERTAIN ONE'" at the START of the beginning of birth pang
S [meaning, at the INITIAL "birth PANG [SINGULAR; 1Th5:
2-3]"]; which "A CERTAIN ONE [G5100]" is then parallel to:
--Daniel 9:26-27's "prince
THAT SHALL COME" / who will do the "FOR
ONE WEEK [7-yrs]" thing (here, its BEGINNING, its MIDDLE, its END: Dan9:27
a/b/c); and
--parallel to the "
whose COMING/advent/arrival/presence/parousia" 2Th2:9a of "the man of sin" and recall from verse 6, that is, "IN HIS TIME" (the "
IN THE NIGHT" portion of "the Day of the Lord [TIME PERIOD]"--see also 1Th5:
2-3 [its
ARRIVAL] / Dan7:7 [its 'government' so to speak] / Dan7:8 [its 'person of interest' so to speak (also vv.20-21)] / Gen46:2 [its 'focus' or 'aim'] / and see also "the time of JACOB'S trouble" / as well as Hosea 5:15's "in their affliction, they [Israel] will seek me early/earnestly"); 2Th2 also covering the
man of sin and his BEGINNING (v.9a), his MIDDLE (v.4), and his END (v.8b); and
--parallel with SEAL #1 (the rider of the white horse, with a bow [very often representing 'deception'], at the START of the 7-yrs, the
"IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" time period that Revelation 1:1 speaks of, regarding the "FUTURE ASPECTS" of that Book [see also 4:1 compared with 1:1; and 7:3 compared with 1:1]); and
--parallel with the
"IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" of Lk18:8 [chpt 17-end]: "avenge IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]," AND Romans 16:20 (<--this one, regarding [to/for/about] "the Church
which is His body"; see also 1Cor6:3[14]--one of the PURPOSES of our Rapture ['IN THE AIR'])
^ this
SEQUENCE I am pointing out ^ , is also reflected in the
Matthew 22:7-8 verses, with
verse 7 speaking of
the 70ad events (see Lk21:23,20, etc), and
verse 8 then speaking of the "
THEN SAITH HE to his servants" (that necessarily takes place
AFTER the 70ad events [just named]; and which I believe correlates with [
the LATER 95ad] Revelation 1:1's wording "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which GOD GAVE UNTO HIM [Jesus], TO SHEW UNTO His servants things which must come to pass
not things which will unfold over the course of some 2000 years, and
not "immediateLY/quickLY/soon [adverbs]"], and which '
future things' [comp.1:1 to 4:1] lead up to His Second coming
to the earth FOR the promised and prophesied
earthly Millennial Kingdom, i.e. chpts 6-19, the
"IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" future, specific/limited time period leading up to the
earthly MK age which will commence upon His "RETURN"
to the earth, Rev19)
The "SEALS" are "the beginning of birth PANGS" (and these "kick off" the 7-yr trib),
ALL of which FOLLOW "the 70ad events [including "they shall be led away captive into all the nations" per Lk21:24!!]" (but not "
immediately follow" 70ad
[end of that post]