what I don't understand is Christians being so negative about sex. When asked if there is sex in heaven, they say "no". I ask why not. They say there is no procreation in heaven. I asked, so sex is just for procreation? Some say "yes" I ask, if you have 4 or 5 kids, do you stop having sex? Genesis 6 mentions the Sons of GOD having sex with humans. Some say. It's about the lines of Seth and Cain. I ask, "How can the two lines of believers and unbelievers produce giants? And what about the daughters of Cain? Were they too ugly to marry? No matter how holy you are, you will not produce giants. GOD placed a whole book about sex in the Song of Solomon. It may be a sin to have sex outside of marriage, as long as we are in these bodies and on earth. It does not mean we won't have sex in different bodies in heaven. GOD must have thought sex was great, if he had a whole book about it. in the Song of Solomon. If the book had not been in the bible, the church would have called it pagan porn.