"Are only those who are born-again saved?
Do we truly understand and believe what was asked? No we do not. We know “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Yes yes we all can post scriptures to back up our personal belief but are we doing, living what we post to others? Do we really truly believe the people we pass by day in day out will enter heaven do we care? Are we willing to lose everything for Him?
Do I really care about them? pffffffffft

.. I Know what its like to hold your baby 4y old that goes dead in your arms.. there is nothing on this earth that will stop you from trying to save him getting help... you do anything.
See if I'm going to preach to you about caring for anyone.. I have to say it to myself first. Do we believe are might be the only Jesus they will see? It must be really important to God that He left heaven became His creation man and died for us. I only know one preacher that said the lord told him to witness to this person and he didn't and I think the next day he died. The lord showed that person to him and said "you will answer to me for this".
Was thinking if just believing in Jesus was enough for us to be one. Then this song comes its kinda old "If There Were Only Time For Love "
If all you had to do each day
Is wake up and go out to play
Shake the hand of all the world
Especially every boy and girl
And if the only tears you shed
Were tears of joy upon your bed
That made the sea of your love grow
To flowers for the world to know
And if the world would do the same
Life could have a brand new name
The one we've all been dreaming of
If there were only, only time for love
The problems that you're facing now
Would vanish into air somehow
There'd be no one to bring you harm
You'd walk together arm in arm
And peace would reign across the Earth
And Eve could have her Adams worth
And every man would have a smile
And ladies kisses last a while
We could take each other's hand
Be the others biggest fan
And sing a song about a dove
If there were only, only time for love
I think Jesus lived and died
So we would not be crucified
And all we really have to do
Is you love me and I love you
If he should return someday
Pass your door along his way
Come in and sit down a while
And see the beauty in your smile
Think how very proud you'd be
If love was all there was to see
Just like His Father's house above
Where there is only, only time for love