Christian doctrine came from Rome and the surrounding areas, which is where the Catholic church originates. To say that Catholics aren't "Christians" is like saying Henry Ford isn't an automaker even though he was the first to mass produce cars in america just because modernity has changed the mass production techniques.
My point is that Christianity and the canon come from the same origins of the faith, which the legacy and pedigree has been carried by the Catholic church, whether you like it or not, those are the facts. Bishop of Alexandria Athanasius was the first to push the 27 canonical books of the NT in the 4th century. He is revered as a "doctor of the church" by the catholic faith, and was also called "a pillar of the church" by Gregory of Nazianzus, the 4th century archbishop of Constantinople, the capital of the roman empire during this period, which is directly connected to the origins of the catholic church through the lineage of the popes all having originated in Rome.
Ironically during the early part of the 1st century, the claim is that many of the canonical books were written by the apostles during this period. So much of the new testament, was being written at the cusp of the origin of the catholic church.
Never mind the fact that the original manuscripts do not exist anymore and all we have are copied produced much later around the first half of the second century, the majority came later.
So you are telling me that all I need to do is have faith, and be blind to facts and history? When has the catholic church been "good", what about all of the other sketchy acts they committed throughout history?
Protestants are not unique and they use the same books as these sons of b@&*$#... Only difference is their interpretation.
Interpretation does not validate ORIGIN.