yeah when I responded I couldnt remember the 777 and something else after his name.
Wow, you look away for two seconds and......So you mean kathryn and gracie seventy seven seven seven hundred and seven times seven hundred and seventyelevendyleven who I kind of suspected was a she but had blue letters were actually, umm, errr, darn, now I forgot what I was getting to.
Anyways, good job and God bless you blondie, utah, mits, kayla, and a host of other bereans defending the truth. I try to hang in and follow along, wish I was a bit quicker on the draw, but one finger fatty the time I get a prayer or a joke typed, 5 ppl have been banned, 10 more have joined, and 15 new catholic threads are going full tilt defending the liberals rights to take guns away from the OSAS-except-sabbath-day-morning-cartoons-only-worshippers cult.

It's hard to keep up, but God bless yous and thanks, there's still hope.
What am I saying?!?! The Lord Jesus Christ is our Saviour God and King,
Of COURSE there's hope, He already has the victory!