How would you know and how would you have noticed a rebellious sister or brother? How do you measure this sir?
Rebellion against authority is a bad, bad anybody.
Women are not only NOT exempt from this temptation of life but perhaps more open to it (Genesis 3:16?) because they are, by nature, under man in the order of authority.
But don't forget, women, we men have to submit to authority too. I've had to submit to some pretty terrible bosses
because I had to. Learned a lot about this subject through those experiences. The easy, godly road that leads to life is to submit.
I'm quite put off by women who insist they are not under authority to anybody. The movement towards the liberation of woman has more to do with not being under
anybody's authority at all, and in fact women being over others, than it does with simply not being subject to a man in the home or the church.
The end goal of the woman's movement is not to have equality, but to rule over the man completely (except when things go terribly wrong as I explained). Be careful women. Don't fall for this lie and this deception. You many think you're in it for honorable reasons, and maybe you are, but know the movement itself is NOT honorable. You could get sucked in and end up being not so honorable in a pursuit to not be accountable and under the authority of anybody anywhere and you in authority over all others.