In the links I gave research who the Ebionites,Nazorenes mentioned in the "flight to Pella" link and see what they believed and taught. in the one reference "Eutychius of Alexandria" is quoted,in his Quote James the brother of Jesus is killed before the war(ad66-70) but by Church tradition he lives to be an old man around 100.
Eusebius relates a tradition, probably based on Aristo of Pella, that the early Christians left Jerusalem just prior to the war and fled to Pella beyond the Jordan River, but does not connect this with Ebionites.[SUP][11][/SUP][SUP][13][/SUP] They were led by Simeon of Jerusalem (d. 107) and during the Second Jewish-Roman War of 115–117, they were persecuted by the Jewish followers of Bar Kochba for refusing to recognize his messianic claims.[SUP][28]
[/SUP]Like I said I don't put much stock in that - and really my understanding of the "end times" is based on what the scriptures say and how best to understand them.
If an historical reference can add a piece that seems to fit in the jigsaw puzzle I'l use it to fill in the "blanks" a little.