well you keep saying this over and over about Naamah but she's only mentioned once in Scripture and it doesn't say she was married died young, married someone in her own tribe or what. It don't say she was evil or good or nothing other than this so I myself wont say she was when no one actually knows.
I am suggesting that these women in Cain's camp being mentioned at all and their names meaning fair, pleasant beautiful, is there for a reason. My theory of interpretation is that they are mentioned to draw attention to their looks. I am also thinking that it was something they did to make themselves to be lusted after in a wicked manner. That information comes later but here they are mentioned so that you know who he is talking about when he references them in Gen 6:2
1) because these women in Cain's Camp were mentioned and no women in Seth's lineage are mentioned. It seems to be an obvious attempt to get our attention about that fact.
2) No one really needs to guess who the daughters of men might be. Since no women are mentioned in lineage of the Sons of God, only those mentioned in the lineage of Cain, this suggests that Cain's camp is the sons of men as opposed to the sons of God.
(A way of saying men who have their heart set on this life only. Men with a horizontal view. Who reject the counsel of God and despise the day of his coming. Who walk in the error of Cain. Who not only let sin crouch at their door but invite it in to master over them. )
3) the meanings of the names of the women mentioned certainly would be noticed by a Hebrew reader. Mentioning a daughter who's name meant Fair or beautiful, and then later referencing daughters of men who were fair is something that the Hebrew reader would notice. He would remember Chapter 4 and say "Ah HA" , well maybe not "ah ha" but he would make a connection, where English readers don't snap to the reference.
The first time I read it. I always made very high marks in reading comprehension tests in school. When I read Gen 6:2 about sons of God and daughters of men, I looked backwards to see if he had mentioned them and my mind had been wandering like I would have done reading any other book, and sure enough I noticed in Gen 4 the reference to the duaghters of men in Cains clan and the Seths clan calling upon the name of the Lord and I understood Gen 6: 2 perfectly.
Someone had to explain the Angel / wives / giant offspring theory to me and I could not believe they were serious. I actually wondered if they were saved. And the first people who told me about it weren't. I was in jail. I found out from reading Dakes Anontated bible and hearing people like Jimmy Swaggert that there were sincerely saved people who believed the angel theory so I had to take a step back and be patient with people.
All I can say today about people who insist on the angel theory is that the angel theory robs the reader of the rich theological teaching in this dawn of the world event about those who are called to separate from evil and dedicate themselves to the Lord
I know I have repeated myself in these threads, but I can tell from responses that people don't read everything I have posted previously so I will keep trying to point people to the light.
Let us separate from those that would influence us to do evil in this world and fellowship with the holy saints of God as we seek to know the Lord and to live a life ready for his sudden appearing. Do not get distracted by relatioinships that are not going to lead you to a closer walk with Jesus. Satan is still using the same strategies of ancient times, not angels making giant babies, but sending you an ungodly man or woman to draw you away.
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