6 Reasons to Trust the Bible
Hey look, reasons to trust the Bible, all of which have nothing to do with "clinging to the hope that heaven is real and that's it."
Your first reason to trust the Bible starts with a verse....from the Bible?
That's the equivalent of saying "The Bible's true because it says so!"
I really don't mean to be rude but you do see why that's not very convincing
don't you?
Reason 1: Operates under the assumption that the Biblical God exists.
Reason 2: The Gospel authors are anonymous. Plus, how do we know
what they wrote down is actually what happened? There are plenty
of contradictions which I'm sure you will deny but oh well. This video
explains why the Gospels are not proof.
Reason 3: More proving the Bible with......the Bible
Reason 4: "Feel free to research these examples of archeology."
What? You couldn't provide any sources or footnotes? They have
been searching the desert for decades looking for evidence of the
Exodus and have come up with nothing. The other claims you
mention are either bogus or have very little evidence for them.
Of course, I'm always open to evidence but so far you have been
reluctant to provide any.
Reason 5: Biblical prophecy?
Sorry but whenever anyone brings up prophecy in the Bible
it's usually very vague and unimpressive. What most likely
happened is that the NT authors looked at the OT text and
wrote in the prophecies. If the Bible predicted 9/11 with
an actual date, time and description then I would consider
that a prophecy.
Prophecy - Iron Chariots Wiki
Reason 6: More asserting the Bible with Bible passages.
You're claiming to have knowledge that the majority of
the world's population doesn't have. When you have
knowledge you can demonstrate it. Still waiting on a
convincing demonstration. You also mention a near
death experience. The problem with those is the person
didn't actually die and people from all different faiths
have them. Is their heaven real too?
Oh, and this ad popped up on your site and scared me.