I am one [as a '
pre-trib adherent'

] who happens to
disagree with that ^ particular point.
In past posts I've listed tons of passages showing the "saints" ('still-living') who will ENTER the MK age
in their mortal bodies (at the time of Christ's Second Coming
to the earth,
not "our Rapture" time-slot)...
Matt25:31-34 (and context) being
one of those passages speaking of their ENTRANCE INTO the MK age, as "
still-living" persons ('saints' [only!]) upon His RETURN
to the earth (
parallel also to the
Matt13:24,30,39,40,49-50 passage, same... "
still-living" persons/saints/'
the righteous' at that point in the chronology: His return
to the earth Rev19 [
not "our Rapture" context, which takes place in the EXACT OPPOSITE SEQUENCE from that which is described in this particular text/context, btw])... and Luke 12:
36-37,38,40,42-44 "when he will
RETURN FROM the wedding"...
THEN the meal [G347]... (,<--the ppl in
that scene are "
still-living" persons
on the earth, upon His "
there)... and about 8-9
other "BLESSED" passages,
like Dan12:12 for example, "BLESSED
is he that waiteth, and cometh to the 1335 days" ("
still-living" saints, same point in the chronology, at His "RETURN"
to the earth Rev19).